Advanced Academics Referral Deadline – Friday, January 12
Resources, timelines, and
information about the Advanced Academics programs available to our students is
available at this link. The deadline to submit Advanced Academic Level IV
Referral forms for second grade students not in the screening pool and students
in third through sixth grade is January 12, 2018. Referral forms should be
submitted to Karin Coburn, our Advanced Academics Resource Teacher. Due
to the tight time frame, do
not wait for test scores before submitting a referral for your student in
grades 2-7 as there will be no referrals for Level IV screening accepted past
the January 12, 2018 deadline.
Additionally, there will be
an open house for parents to drop off referral packets and
to ask questions regarding the screening process. This session will take place
on January 11, 2018 from 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM.
Please contact Karin Coburn ( with any
questions about this process.
Olde Creek Bingo Night on
January 19
Be sure to mark your calendars for Bingo Night
at Olde Creek on Friday, January 19! Come out for a fun night with the OCES
community that is filled with games and prizes. A flyer with more details will
be sent home this week in our Friday Folders.
Lost & Found – Deadline is January 19
If you think that your child’s
missing coat, sweatshirt, sweater, or water bottle might be somewhere at school,
please check out the Lost & Found to see if you can find it! The Lost &
Found is located in the corner of the cafeteria. Any items unclaimed by Friday,
January 19 will be donated to an organization that supports children in need.
Visitor Management System (VMS) starts in January
FCPS is in the process of
implementing a new visitor management system. At Olde Creek Elementary
School, we will begin using this new system later this month. It’s fast and
simple! Upon the first visit, visitors will “register” using their
driver’s license, DMV identification card, military ID or passport, and have
their picture taken by the VMS camera. Once registered all you need to do
for subsequent visits is simply check in by scanning your license/ID. A
temporary photo badge will print automatically, which the visitor will wear
while in the building. Quick & easy! Once the final
installation is complete, we will send out a message letting everyone know the
official start date.
Technology Purchases
If you purchased a device for your child this holiday season, FCPS
wants to help you support your child in the online world. If the device
is internet-enabled, please consider the following tips and resources:
Educate yourself and your children.
Digital citizenship is learning process and your child will need
sustained support from parents and teachers. Visit
for a fun and interactive parent-child course that can help your family start
conversations about navigating the online world.
Establish rules and expectations.
Have you thought about the rules you want to establish with your
child for setting up accounts and the privacy settings you expect your child to
use? What are your expectations and how will you monitor your child’s
online activities? Not sure where to start? Try these tip sheets, media agreements, and device contracts.
Help your child monitor and manage their screen time.
It’s easy to spend hours on a device, especially when it is new.
Use these guidelines and strategies to help your children learn to monitor and manage their
screen time.
Discuss privacy settings and accounts.
Teach your child to protect their personal information and model
the use of privacy settings. Discuss why these settings are important and
teach them how to make privacy setting choices for every app and service they
use. This resource can help you get started.
Give your child action steps.
Discuss potential situations that may arise before they happen and
give your child action steps. Do they know what to they can do if cyber
bullied, harassed, or if someone sends them something they don’t want to see?
Every difficult situation is an opportunity to help prepare them for life
beyond your home. These short
parent advice videos, which can be
filtered by topic and age, can help you identify action steps you can share
with your child.
Teach your child to assess risks and make good choices.
Online communication is public and permanent. Talk with your
children regularly and remind them that what they do online can impact future
opportunities. Their online reputation can also affect their relationships in
the face to face world.