Olde Creek Weekly Update - December 9


Thank you to the Fire Department for visiting our Kindergarten students!


Olde Creek Bears Care Community Outreach Program - Winter Break

Please click on the link below to sign up for this week's food donations for our Olde Creek Bears Care Food Program.  We are requesting more food items than usual to provide extra provisions for our families in need to cover the winter break period. Please drop off your food donations at Olde Creek's Front Office during regular office hours by Thursday, December 14th at 3:30pm.



Amazon Smile

Shopping for the holidays? Support the OCES PTA at the same time! Click on this link to connect to the OCES shopping partners site:


Click on the Amazon Smile link, and a percentage of your purchases is automatically sent the OCES PTA – thank you!


Save the Date for Bingo Night at OCES!

Be sure to mark your calendars for Bingo Night at Olde Creek on Friday, January 19! Come out for a fun night with the OCES community that is filled with games and prizes.  More information will be sent after the Winter Break.


Rising 7th Grade Info

Important information for the families of all Rising 7th grade students is being sent home with students before the Winter Break, but we wanted to distribute some of it electronically as well. There is information below for events at Frost MS and Robinson SS. If your student will be attending a school other than Frost or Robinson, please let us know and we will help you find the information you will need.

Frost MS Rising 7th Graders

Frost Middle School Rising 7th Grade Parent Orientation Night will take place on Thursday, January 18th. The main program from 6:00-7:00 PM will include the registration process for 7th grade, core curriculums, and an overview of Frost.  From 7:00-8:00 PM, elective class teachers will have displays and be available to answer questions. There will also be presentations for parents who have students who receive services through the Special Education, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, English Language Learner, and Advanced Academics Programs from 7:00-7:30 PM.

Due to limited space, these sessions are for parents only.  Students will have the opportunity to receive this information during Frost counselor visits and when students visit Frost in February to tour the building and elective classes.  We hope you are able to join us at Frost in January! 

Additional activities at Frost include a Preparing Students for the Transition to Secondary Mathematics event on February 12 at 6:00 PM (snow date is Feb. 13) for parents interested in additional information regarding the sequence of math courses and discussion regarding mindset and a student’s algebra readiness. Also, the Frost Family Festival will take place on February 22 at 5:30 PM (snow date is March 1).

If you have any questions about these Rising 7th Grade activities, please contact the Frost Middle School Student Services at 703-426-5026.

Robinson SS Rising 7th Graders

Robinson is inviting all students and parents to attend the Rising 7th Grade Curriculum Night on the evening of Thursday, January 18, 2018.  This program is designed to provide students and parents an opportunity to learn about the middle school course selection process, academic and elective course offerings and requirements, and afterschool programs that are available. The program for parents/students participating in ESOL, Spanish Immersion and Special Education will begin at 5:15 pm.  At 6:00 pm, the general session for all parents/students will begin. The snow date for this event is January 22.

Additionally, on February 1st from 6:30-7:30 pm Robinson will be conducting a Family Math Night at Davala Hall. The topic is a Growth Mindset and Mathematics Courses. In this session, families will explore the value of a growth mindset and hear strategies to help them develop one for themselves and their children.  There will be an overview of middle and high school mathematic courses and pathways offered at Robinson Secondary School.  In addition to a discussion on math readiness, there will be talk of adult praise and how a growth mindset can help a child not to give up if they are struggling with math.  The snow date for the Math Night will be Thursday, February 8th, 2018.

If you have any questions about these Rising 7th Grade activities, please contact the Robinson Middle School Student Services at 703-426-2222.