Olde Creek Weekly Update - November 17



We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Luncheon yesterday at Olde Creek. Thank you to our office staff, our cafeteria and custodial team, and all of the parent volunteers who helped make this day a reality.

It was an amazing event and we were so excited to welcome our friends and families into the school for a day of community and friendship. There were smiles, hugs, laughs, shared memories, and new friendships all happening in one room. A day like this is a great way to represent the caring values of the Olde Creek community.

We are thankful to each and every one of you for all that you do, big and small, to make Olde Creek such a special place for our students.

-Olde Creek ES


Olde Creek Bears Care - Thanksgiving Food Sign-Up

This week our goal is to collect food donations and gift cards for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday to assist families in need in our school community. Please click on the link below to sign up for a donation item.  Please drop off your food donations at Olde Creek's front office during regular office hours no later than Monday, 11/20.  



Community Conversations

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Superintendent Scott S. Brabrand will host a Community Conversations this fall to hear what students, parents, employees, and members of the community are thinking about and what issues are important to them. Dr. Brabrand welcomes citizens to attend the next Community Conversation on Tuesday, November 28th at Chantilly High School. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a meet and greet, followed by discussion and questions from the audience from 7 to 8 p.m.


Amazon Smile

Shopping for the holidays? Support the OCES PTA at the same time! Click on this link to connect to the OCES shopping partners site:


Click on the Amazon Smile link, and a percentage of your purchases is automatically sent the OCES PTA – thank you!


Upcoming Events

Nov. 22 – Two Hour Early Release

Nov 23 & 24 – Thanksgiving Holiday

Dec. 5—Band and Strings Concert

Dec. 6—PTA Board Meeting

Dec. 12—GAMEOn Math Night

Dec. 18- Jan. 1—Winter Break