Olde Creek Weekly Update - November 3

Olde Creek Bears Care Community Outreach Program

Please click on the link below to sign up for this week's food donations for our Olde Creek Bears Care Food Program.  Your donations provide weekend food provisions to students in need in our school community. Please drop off your food donations at Olde Creek's front office during regular office hours by Thursday, November 9th.  



Halloween Howl Thank You

We want to thank all of our volunteers who made the Halloween Howl a success this year!  Without your support, we could not have fun events like this.  Thank you to Amy Fetgatter for getting our contest prizes and thanks to John and Mollie Hunter for taking care of our food and drinks!  We appreciate how much we are supported by our staff and teachers who helped make this happen!


Family Math Night - November 9

When: Thursday, November 9th from 6:00 - 8:00

Where: Olde Creek Elementary School

Who: Kindergarteners - 6th graders and their families

Why: You can…

+ learn about fractions and how you can help your children at home

+ play math games with your children that are grade level specific

+ meet with our specialists to learn how math is related to everything we do

Please RSVP by contacting Kim Saunders at kasaunders1@fcps.edu


Family Friendly and Sensory Friendly Events

Looking for family friendly and sensory friendly events? Here are the DC Sensory Friendly events for 2017-18. Many great venues to choose from. See link for details! Parent Resource Ctr on Twitter


Impact Aid Forms

FCPS uses the Student-Parent Survey (also known informally as the “Impact Aid form”) to identify federally connected students and to support their request for Impact Aid resources; the grants from these programs will become a part of FCPS' general operating budget and are critical to ensuring that all children in FCPS receive an excellent education. The form asks all parents if they were working on federal property on October 31, 2017.

Olde Creek has sent home the forms this week. For each school-aged child in your household, please complete, sign, date, and return the survey to your child's school by Wednesday, November 8. You can also drop off the form at your parent-teacher conference on Monday or Tuesday. If sections 2 through 4 of the survey do not apply to you, just put a check mark in section 5, sign, date, and return the form by November 8. FCPS staff will process the information with the utmost confidentiality.

Please note that there is an introductory letter on the front side of the Student-Parent Survey form from Superintendent Dr. Scott Brabrand.  His letter provides background information on the Federal Impact Aid program and role that the Student-Parent Survey plays in attaining federal funding.

Additional information about the Federal Impact Aid program can be found at https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oese/impactaid/index.html.  For questions regarding the Student-Parent Survey, please contact the Impact Aid staff in Information Technology at 703-329-7655.


Award Nominations

As you may know, every year Fairfax County Public Schools recognizes outstanding employees at all levels. Once again this year, all schools in FCPS are encouraged to nominate Outstanding Employees. We are asking you, the Olde Creek community, to help us gather names for this process.  Thank you for participating and helping us recognize the outstanding qualities of our staff members. All that is required for a preliminary nomination is a paragraph or two about how this employee demonstrates exceptional work in the criteria for that category.  

  • Outstanding Teacher – a teacher, librarian  or specialist with 3 or more years of experience
  • Outstanding New Teacher – a teacher or specialist with less than 3 years of experience
  • Outstanding New Principal – a building principal with less than 3 years of experience
  • Outstanding Leader – a school-based employee with at least one year of experience in the position – these positions could include an Assistant Principal, School-Based Technology Specialists, Technology Support Specialist, Psychologist, Social Worker, School Counselor
  • Outstanding Support Employee – a school-based employee with at least one year of experience in the position – these positions could include administrative and office assistants, custodial staff, food service staff, Instructional Assistants, Public Health Assistants,
  • Outstanding Hourly Employee – a hourly paid employee with at least one year of experience working at least 10 hours a week at the same location – these positions could include parent liaisons, hourly office staff, other unique hourly paid positions within the school

To submit a nomination for Olde Creek Outstanding Employee in one or more of the categories, please complete the nomination using this google form link.  

The deadline to submit a nomination is December 1.  After that, a selection committee will meet to discuss each nominee and determine a winner.  The discussion in this process will be confidential.  If the person you nominated is selected by the school committee, you will be asked to complete a nomination form.  These completed  forms will be sent to the Woodson Pyramid Lead.  The pyramid award liaisons will meet, read packets and determine a winner for the pyramid  in each category.  The winners of the pyramid, move on to the region.  

We are excited that we can recognize so many outstanding employees.    If you have any questions, please contact Julie Wilson at jmwilson1@fcps.edu.  We would love to hear from you!


Upcoming Events

Nov. 15—PTA Dinner Night—Noodles & Co

Nov. 16—Thanksgiving Luncheon

Nov. 17—Report cards sent home

Nov. 22—2 hour early release

Nov. 23-24—Thanksgiving Holiday