TJHSST News You Choose

Dear TJHSST Colonial Community:

TJHSST is pleased to launch a new communications platform in connection with FCPS.  It’s a subscription-based email service called News You Choose

As a parent, student or staff member at TJHSST, you are now automatically subscribed to general news and class grade level news, so you do not need to do anything to start receiving messages.  You may always unsubscribe by clicking at a link at the bottom of a message.

In addition to general school news, you also have the option to select additional topics you would like to receive information about, such as school counseling, student activities, and wellness.  Check out all your options here 

The News You Choose tool will not replace the essential information FCPS communicates using the Blackboard Connect system.  Parents will continue to receive emergency messages, delayed openings and school closings, attendance messages, low lunch balances, and other critical information to the email address listed on a student’s emergency care card.  You can update your information through WeCare.  Parents are automatically signed up to receive this essential information and will continue to receive messages.  

Anyone can subscribe to News You Choose.  As a subscriber, you can select which schools you want to receive information from and how often – as it happens, once a day, or once a week. 

We are excited to use News You Choose to keep you updated on everything that is happening at TJHSST, and we believe you will appreciate the ability to manage the subscription to best meet your needs.  Our first messages will be published soon, and as we get more familiar with this new tool, you will enjoy enhanced communications that are targeted to your interests.