Weekly Update - September 8

From the School

Back to School Night – Tuesday, September 12

The Olde Creek Back to School Night will take place on Tuesday, September 12th from 6:45 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.  This is a great way to continue to develop the strong school-home partnerships that will help set our students up for success. At this event, teachers will provide information about their individual classrooms, grade-level curriculum, and programs and resources available to our students and families.  This night is just for parents.  Please arrange child care for your children.  The school will open at 6:30 and the classroom programs will begin at 6:45 p.m. For families with multiple children, there will be two identical sessions presented in each classroom beginning at 6:45 and 7:30.


Can You Help with Our Outdoor Learning Environments?

Calling all gardeners, carpenters, and outdoor enthusiast! We are planning to re-invent our outdoor learning environments at Olde Creek over the next few years and we need your help! We are hoping to have Fall and Spring clean-up days, install and maintain raised garden beds, build outdoor classroom seating, install all-weather whiteboards, and much, much more. If you are interested in helping out and sharing your talents, please let us know by using the link below. Thanks for being a part of this exciting project!



SCA Officer Elections

Information was sent home today in our Friday Folders about our SCA officer elections for 5th and 6th grade students. Interest forms must be completed and submitted by September 15 and Election Day will be on September 21. Please contact our SCA sponsors (Ms. Poppe, Ms. Hale & Ms. Glibert) with any questions.


From the PTA

Laps for Learning Registration

Sept 23rd @ 8:00 am – Meet at Olde Creek Elementary

Sign up here for the event: http://oldecreekpta.org/laps-for-learning/

Sign up here to volunteer:


NOTE: NO pledge money will be collected until AFTER the event.


PTA Membership

We have an amazing PTA at Olde Creek and we would love for you to be a part of it. There are many ways for you to be involved in this organization that provides such great support to our school. Purple PTA registration forms have been sent home, there will be a PTA table at Back to School Night, and you can join online through the PTA website.



Joy of Dance Registration

Registration is now open for the many Joy of Dance classes that are available at Olde Creek. Flyers have been sent home and registration and more information is available at the link below.



Special Needs Night @ Flight Trampoline Park (Springfield)

Sep 19th @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Special needs jumpers only, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month between 5-7 pm. Flight is open exclusively for special needs jumpers and their families during this time, and music is turned off.


Autism Speaks DC Walk

Oct 7 @ 8:30 a.m. – National Mall

The 2017 Autism Speaks DC Walk will take place on Saturday, October 7 on the National Mall. Join hundreds of autism families and friends for a fun day to raise awareness and funds for research, community grants, and more. 


If you are interested in forming an Olde Creek team, please contact Ann Henley at henley513@verizon.net


PTA By Laws

The Olde Creek PTA Board has proposed to amend Article: VIII Section: 3, Sub-section: d of the Olde Creek PTA Local Unit Bylaws. Specifically, the proposed amendment would strike the following sentence from the bylaws so that, with exception of the President and President-Elect, other officers of the association would not be bound to term limits: “A person shall not be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office".

A committee bylaws chairman and committee have reviewed the proposed amendment and concur with the recommended change.  This posting serves as a 30-day notice of the amendment.  If you have questions regarding this amendment, please contact the PTA Board at board@oldecreekpta.com.


Upcoming Events

September 12 - Back To School Night

September 15 - Laps for Learning Rally

September 22 - Student Holiday

September 23 - Laps for Learning

September 27 - Family Dinner Night at Elevation Burger

October 19 - Family Dinner Night at Flippin’ Pizza

October 27 - Halloween Howl

November 3 - 1st Quarter Ends

November 6 & 7 - Student Holidays

November 16 - Thanksgiving Luncheon