Weekly Update - September 1


Olde Creek Families and Friends…

We have had a great first week of the school year. It has been wonderful to have the building full of our student’s smiling faces and inquisitive minds. They are off to a great start!

This year at Olde Creek, we will be talking a lot about stars and how they connect to our educational journey. There will be more information to come about this theme throughout the year. You may have noticed our staff shirts this year that are covered in stars. On the back, there is a picture of the constellation ursa minor….which translates to "little bears." Also, on the back of the shirt is a quotation from a popular song….“when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are.”

As a school, we are focused on the second part of the quotation. Every student matters. Every family is important. Everyone connected to Olde Creek is a part of our school family. Strong school-home partnerships will set our students up for success this year.

We are very excited for a wonderful year of learning and growing together.

Thank you for all that you do to support the Olde Creek students.


Dustin Wright



Back to School Night – Tuesday, September 12

The Olde Creek Back to School Night will take place on Tuesday, September 12th from 6:45 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.  This is a great way to continue to develop the strong school-home partnerships that will help set our students up for success. At this event, teachers will provide information about their individual classrooms, grade-level curriculum, and programs and resources available to our students and families.  This night is just for parents.  Please arrange child care for your children.  The school will open at 6:30 and the classroom programs will begin at 6:45 p.m. For families with multiple children, there will be two identical sessions presented in each classroom beginning at 6:45 and 7:30.


PTA Membership

We have an amazing PTA at Olde Creek and we would love for you to be a part of it. There are many ways for you to be involved in this organization that provides such great support to our school. Purple PTA registration forms have been sent home, there will be a PTA table at Back to School Night, and you can join online through the PTA website.



Laps for Learning is Coming! – September 23

One of the wonderful traditions we have at Olde Creek is our annual Laps for Learning Fun Run and Fundraiser that is sponsored by the PTA. It will take place on the morning of September 23. This exciting event and biggest fund raiser of the year is a great way to come together with the school community and help support our students at the same time! Purple Laps for Learning flyers have been sent home and there will be more information in the coming weeks. We can’t wait to see you at this wonderful event!



Family Dinner Nights on September 27 and October 19

Save the date for our first two Olde Creek Family Dinner Nights of the school year. Come out to Elevation Burger on September 27 and Flippin’ Pizza on October 19 for a great meal and fun evening with the community. A portion of the proceeds from both events will go to our school! Be on the lookout for a flyer to be sent home in the coming weeks.


Woodson Feeder Night Football Game - September 22

The Woodson Activities Department would like to invite you to their Annual Elementary Feeder Night Football game on Friday September 22, 2017! Students will get to represent their elementary school and run across the field prior to the game. The football game starts at 7:00pm and the students will meet at 6:30 PM under the scoreboard.


Birthday Treat Update

If you wish to bring cupcakes or other individually packaged treats as a snack to share with the entire class on your child’s birthday, you must coordinate this with your child’s teacher at least one school day prior to the event. This will allow us to support students with allergies and medical concerns and avoid disruptions to the instructional program of all the students. Any treats that are dropped off at school without prior notice will not be distributed until the next school day, at the earliest.  We would also like to encourage other ways to recognize birthdays such as healthy snacks or a classroom visit from a family member as a mystery-guest reader


Upcoming Events

September 4 - Student Holiday

September 12 - Back To School Night

September 15 - Laps for Learning Rally

September 22 - Student Holiday

September 23 - Laps for Learning

September 27 - Family Dinner Night at Elevation Burger

October 19 - Family Dinner Night at Flippin’ Pizza

October 27 - Halloween Howl

November 3 - 1st Quarter Ends

November 6 & 7 - Student Holidays

November 16 - Thanksgiving Luncheon