Commonwealth Receives $4.7 Million to Replace Aging Rural Public Transit Vehicles
Eleven Transit Agencies Will Be Able to Replace 39 Vehicles

RICHMOND — The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) today announced that 11 rural public transit agencies received a total of $4,690,010 in federal funding to replace 39 transit vehicles that have exceeded their useful lives in both age and mileage.
The Commonwealth received the funding through the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Buses and Bus Facilities program. The program focuses on replacing, rehabilitating, and purchasing buses and related equipment and to construct bus-related facilities. The competitive program received a total of $8.7 billion in project proposals, of which the FTA approved 130 awards totaling nearly $1.7 billion.
The replacement of these buses will help reduce the transit vehicle replacement backlog in these communities and will also help grow transit ridership. To show its commitment to partnering with Virginia's public transit agencies to modernize fleets, DRPT has set aside $5 million in its Fiscal Year 2024 budget to provide matching funds to transit agencies that receive federal grant funds.
“The replacement of these buses will help Virginia’s rural transit agencies reduce vehicle maintenance costs and enhance service reliability in the rural communities that they serve,” DRPT Director Jennifer DeBruhl said. “This federal funding will ensure that transit agencies maintain a reliable multimodal network that connects Virginians to jobs, education, and health care across the Commonwealth."
The following lists how many vehicles the 11 transit agencies received funding to replace:
- Four County Transit: 3
- Bay Transit: 9
- Danville Transit System: 7
- District Three Public Transit: 4
- Greensville Emporia Transit: 1
- Lake Country: 1
- Mountain Empire Transit: 5
- Pulaski Area Transit: 3
- STAR Transit: 4
- Altavista Community Transit System: 1
- Blackstone Area Bus: 1
About the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation
DRPT's mission is to connect and improve the quality of life for all Virginians with innovative transportation solutions. The agency works with rail and public transportation stakeholders to provide service to people throughout Virginia and promotes transportation options to the general public, businesses, and community decision makers. DRPT's vision is a connected Commonwealth with an integrated multimodal network that serves every person, every business, and every need. For more information, please visit
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