DRPT State Management Plan Update - Public Comment period open through March 31
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The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation has updated its State Management Plan (SMP) for administering federal funds, and the document is available for public comment through March 31.
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requires DRPT to develop and maintain a plan for the federally funded grant programs it administers the Commonwealth of Virginia. This SMP covers the FTA Sections 5310, 5311, and 5339 programs in a single reference document, and is a comprehensive and coordinated document used by DRPT, its sub recipients, and the FTA. It also includes DRPT’s policies, procedures, and administrative requirements.
While the SMP is always available for review on the DRPT website, and DRPT accepts proposed changes and edits at any time, a public comment period is required after significant changes. Because DRPT has made changes within each section and has combined all of its plans into one reference document, public comment is now required.
Regardless of whether an agency intends to provide input, each sub recipient under FTA Sections 5310, 5311, and 5339 should be familiar with the contents of the SMP and ensure that federally funded programs adhere to it.
Comments, changes, and edits on the revised SMP will be accepted by email to neil.sherman@drpt.virginia.gov or in writing to Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation, Attention: Neil Sherman, Director of Statewide Transit Programs, 600 East Main Street, Suite 2102, Richmond, VA 23219.
A copy of the draft plan open for comment can be found online here: http://www.drpt.virginia.gov/media/3056/state-management-plans-combined-draft.pdf