
News from Across the Commonwealth
Students and administration from Magna Vista and Bassett High Schools recently visited Eastman for a facility tour and participated in interviews as part of their Work-Based Learning Experiences. This initiative marks a significant milestone, as these students will be among the first to secure paid internships offered through a collaboration between local businesses, the Chamber of Commerce, and Henry County Public Schools. |
At the Region Seven Gifted Conference, VDOE's Amanda Nevetral, Director of the Office of Advanced Learning, had a chance to connect with Ava and Cooper from Giles County Schools. These young innovators have invented an app named "Calm It" to decrease anxiety in middle school students and are regional winners of the Southwest Virginia Can Code Pitch Fest competition. |

Dr. Lisa Coons, Superintendent of Public Instruction
Our Summer of Support is in full swing with great participation at this week’s regional events across the Commonwealth. At the Literacy and Mathematics Symposiums in Abington and Martinsville, teachers dove into the new English and Mathematics Standards of Learning. They explored the language of the Standards and new resources developed by VDOE to support the rigor and expectations for instruction this fall, collaborating with their peers to share best practices and enhance their learning.
School leaders were immersed in the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) this week at the Southwest VA Higher Education Center and Shenandoah University. Focused on evidence-based literacy instruction aligned with science-based reading research, the training provided principals and assistant principals with essential information as they prepare to support their teachers with effective implementation of the VLA. These opportunities enhance educational practices in Virginia schools and promote student success, and we are glad to be spending an important part of this summer with so many of you.
After soliciting multiple rounds of feedback from across the Commonwealth, the Board of Education is taking a deep dive today into the upcoming School Performance and Support Framework and considering some of the decisions that will shape this new straightforward and transparent accountability system. This system clearly separates growth and achievement, so we will know how every student is growing academically and how well every student is mastering grade level content. Moreover, the performance and support framework focuses on readiness at each grade band: are elementary students ready for middle school, are middle school students ready for high school and are high school students ready for their employment, enlistment and enrollment in post-secondary goals. I encourage you to view today and tomorrow's meeting and follow along on the discussions. The full presentations are available and the Board will continue to work throughout this summer to create a best-in-class accountability and support system.
It's going to be a busy summer, and we are proud to be working so closely with so many of you to prepare our schools and students for success.

Additional Information
U.S. District Court Enjoinment of Title IX Regulations
Article: 2024-25-228 Audience: Superintendents
In response to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky’s action earlier this week enjoining and restraining the U.S. Department of Education from implementing, enacting, or enforcing its Final Rule regarding Title IX, Virginia Secretary of Education Aimee Guidera released the letter below urging public schools and other impacted entities to immediately cease implementing the Final Rule and its regulations.

News from our Content Specialists and Special Education
June Virginia Literacy Act Updates
Article: 2024-25-234 Audience: Superintendents, Directors, School Principals, Teachers Contact: Jill Nogueras, Associate Director of K-12 English & Literacy, Jill.Nogueras@doe.virginia.gov
The Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) is among the most comprehensive early literacy policies in the nation. The objective of the VLA is to improve literacy outcomes for all K-8 students. To support school divisions as they continue to implement the VLA, VDOE has released an extensive update on the Virginia Literacy Act.
- Instructional Materials
- Use of VALLSS and Student Reading Plans
- Professional Development
- Planning
- Frequently Asked Questions from the Field
Superintendents are asked to share these resources with key staff.
Summer of Support
Article: 2024-23-220
 This summer, VDOE is focused on working with our educators to prepare for the school year ahead. We’re thrilled to kick off our Summer of Support and connect, engage, and grow together. Below are a few of the exciting events we’re holding throughout the Commonwealth:
Literacy and Mathematics Symposiums
- June 10 – Region 8 at Longwood University
- June 17 – Region 7 at Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center
- June 20 – Region 6 at New College Institute
- June 24 – Region 5 at James Madison University
- June 27 – Region 4 at George Mason University
- August 5 – Region 1 at Reynolds Community College
- August 7 – Region 3 at Rappahannock Community College
- August 8 – Region 2 at Old Dominion University
Physical Education Academy and Institute
- June 24-27 – The Adapted PE Content Teaching Academy at James Madison University
- July 7-10 – The Health and Physical Activity Institute at James Madison University
Educational Technology and Classroom Innovation Conference Presentations
- July 8 – TechSplash 2024 in Abingdon
- August 14 – iNNovate Conference in Newport News
Fine Arts Webinars
- July 30 – FA Through the Lens of Multilingual Learners
- July 30 – Update for 2024-25 School Year
- August 1 – Leading FA Teaching and Learning
- August 1 – Appalachian Music Media
- August 5 – Music SOL Overview and Instructional Resources
- August 6 – Visual Arts SOL
- August 7 – Theater Arts SOL
- August 8 – Dance SOL
We’re proud to offer these continuing education opportunities and look forward to spending time with you this summer!
VDOE Multisensory Structured Literacy Training
Article: 2024-25-232 Audience: Superintendents, Directors, School Principals, Teachers Contact: Christine Mooney, Specialized Reading and Dyslexia Specialist, Christine.Mooney@doe.virginia.gov
In order to continue support of local school divisions with their implementation of the Virginia Literacy Act, the VDOE is seeking K-8 special education teachers, general education teachers, literacy interventionists, and reading specialists who work directly with children for more than 50% of the school day to participate in a Multisensory Structured Language Instruction Training. This professional development is based on the Orton-Gillingham instructional approach, which is direct and systematic to teaching language structure for reading remediation. It is designed to address the needs of students who have difficulty with reading, spelling, and writing including those with a specific learning disability such as dyslexia. Approximately 120 participants will be selected through a competitive application process. Those applicants who have applied for this opportunity more than once will be given priority consideration.
All applicants who wish to participate may apply by completing the Teacher Application by July 5, 2024. Access to the Teacher Application, training dates, and additional application and selection criteria details will be provided to Directors of Special Education via an Assistant Superintendent of Special Populations email.
A recommendation from the applicant’s principal, written on school letterhead, is required and must be attached to the application. Once applications are reviewed, notification and registration information will be sent to participants via email within ten days from the due date.
New 2023 Mathematics Standards of Learning Resources Released
Article: 2024-25-227 Audience: Superintendents, Directors, School Principals, Teachers Contact: Dr. Angela Byrd-Wright, Mathematics Coordinator, Office of STEM Angela.Byrd-Wright@doe.virginia.gov
The Mathematics Instructional Guides provide support to mathematics educators as they implement the 2023 Mathematics Standards of Learning. They include three sections: Understanding the Standard, Skills in Practice, and Concepts and Connections. Mathematics Instructional Guides are available for grades K-8, Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra 2.
A Mathematics Instructional Guide FAQ Document (Word | PDF) has been developed to provide information about the purpose, structure, intended audience, and use of the Mathematics Instructional Guides.
A supplement to the Mathematics Instructional Guides, the Concepts and Connections Articulation Guide (Word | PDF) provides support in identifying concepts aligned to the 2023 Mathematics Standards of Learning that articulate across mathematics grade levels or courses.
VDOE Seal of Biliteracy Advisory Committee Seeks New Members
Article: 2024-25-230 Audience: Superintendents, Directors, School Principals, Teachers Contact: Lisa A. Harris, World Languages Coordinator, Lisa.Harris@doe.virginia.gov
The Virginia Department of Education is seeking applications from individuals who are qualified and available to serve on the VDOE Seal of Biliteracy Advisory Committee. Selected members will serve a two-year term with quarterly virtual meetings to review and make recommendations on acceptable evidence of proficiency and other criteria for awarding a Virginia Seal of Biliteracy.
Applicants should be teachers, content specialists, or other educators who are knowledgeable about the Seal of Biliteracy. All individuals who wish to serve on this committee, including those who have previously served, must submit an online application. Approximately 5-7 members will be selected. The application will require a professional reference and supervisor approval. Completed applications are due to the Virginia Department of Education by July 19, 2024. Applicants are responsible for ensuring all required parts of the application are complete by this date. Committee applicants will be notified of their selection status within two weeks of application closing.

School Performance & Support
2024-2025 Academy for New Directors of Special Education
Article: 2024-25-233 Audience: Superintendents Contact: Dr. Zenia Burnett, Director of Instructional Services, Zenia.Burnett@doe.virginia.gov
The Virginia Department of Education Department of Special Populations invites all newly hired local Directors of Special Education to the 2024-2025 Academy. This yearlong professional development opportunity aims to support their roles and responsibilities within their local school divisions and to enhance the outcomes of students with disabilities across the Commonwealth aligned to the 2024 Roadmap for Special Education.
This yearlong academy will include six sessions that alternate between in-person and virtual. The schedule and details for all academy sessions will be disseminated via email to registered participants in July 2024. Each new director will be assigned an experienced mentor to provide support in their new role.
A new Director of Special Education is defined as one who is new to the position and has not been a special education director in another local school division or was new after last year’s Academy. If your school division has employed a new special education director, please complete the Registration for the 2024-2025 Academy for New Directors of Special Education by June 30, 2024, so that information about this academy may be provided.
VDOE Educator Talent Pool Recommendations – Due July 10
Article: 2024-24-224 Audience: Superintendents, Directors Contact: Christine Harris, Executive Director of Educator Partnerships, Christine.Harris@doe.virginia.gov
As part of VDOE’s ongoing efforts to elevate the great work of Virginia educators, the Department annually seeks recommendations from school leaders of distinguished teachers, principals, and specialists to maintain on file. These recommendations provide VDOE with the opportunity to elevate educators for membership on advisory committees, boards, and task forces, as well as candidates for recognition programs. Your recommendations will assist VDOE in identifying educators who will be of great value to the Commonwealth due to their expertise.
We are fortunate to have a rich base of veteran educators in our current talent pool. They have been and continue to be a valuable resource in our state efforts. Based on our current talent pool, there is a need for educators who are relatively new to the profession and exhibit outstanding instructional and leadership abilities. Such persons exhibit strong potential for professional leadership and inspiring presence which impacts students, colleagues, and community. VDOE is therefore especially interested in receiving recommendations of such individuals.
Members of this talent pool are building-level personnel with a required minimum of five years in education. They are typically classroom teachers and are recognized by peers and supervisors as unique in their leadership and results with students. Of special interest are educators who are outstanding and have not received other recognition.
Do you know a relatively new educator who is not only one of Virginia’s, but also the nation's best? Whose lessons inspire and provide models for others? Who has distinguished him/herself above and beyond established top-quality professionals in our schools? If you have an educator in mind, please provide CONFIDENTIAL, succinct, and specific information for a candidate using this recommendation form. Include a one-page recommendation that addresses how the candidate meets the criteria mentioned in this letter, and a resume from their personnel file. We ask that you keep this recommendation confidential and do not share it with the individual or collaborate with a colleague to complete. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.
Submissions are due by 5 p.m. on July 10, 2024. Send to TeacheroftheYear@doe.virginia.gov and submit the saved file as Talent_School Division_Educator Last Name. Your cooperation and assistance are greatly appreciated. #ElevateEducatorsVA
Competitive Grant Application Clinical Faculty Program
Article: 2024-25-229 Audience: Superintendents, Directors Contact: Shawna LeBlond, Director, Office of Apprenticeships, Shawna.LeBlond@doe.virginia.gov or Ahmad Saidi, Grants and Report Manager, Office of Apprenticeships, Ahmad.Saidi@doe.virginia.gov
The Virginia Department of Education is seeking proposals from Virginia public school divisions or consortia of public school divisions in partnership with regionally accredited institutions of higher education that have Board of Education approved educator preparation programs to support Clinical Faculty Programs that assist pre-service teachers and beginning teachers to make a successful transition into full-time teaching. The grant is to provide training and mentoring during the 2024-2025 school year for teachers designated as clinical faculty and/or new teacher mentors.

Division Finance and Budgeting
Estimated State Allocations under the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) for July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
Article: 2024-25-226 Audience: Superintendents, Directors Contact: Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, cte@doe.virginia.gov, (804) 750-8163
The Virginia Department of Education has received the estimated state allocations under the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) for school year 2024-2025. Virginia’s federal fiscal year (FY) 2024 Perkins funding allocation is $32,538,731, which is an overall increase of 0.70 percent ($225,742) compared to the prior year.
The grant award period is from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, all funds must be expended or obligated by June 30, 2025, and submitted no later than September 30, 2025.
School divisions will be apportioned a Perkins V 2024-2025 allocation. The following federal regulations impact the calculation of the school division allocations:
Reimbursement and budget transfer requests for Perkins funds must be submitted through the VDOE Single Sign-on for Web Systems (SSWS) portal using the Online Management of Education Grant Awards (OMEGA) application. All expenditures must be consistent with the approved Perkins local plan and budget for school year 2024-2025.
Documentation of any reimbursement claims must be retained in the school division and must be available for audit in accordance with state regulations governing the retention of financial records.

News from the Virginia Board of Education
Call for Nominations for Vacancies on Board of Education Advisory Committees
Article: 2024-25-231 Audience: Teachers, Parents Contact: Jim Chapman, Director of Board Relations, Jim.Chapman@doe.virginia.gov
The Virginia Board of Education is seeking nominees for several vacancies on the Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure (“ABTEL”) and the State Special Education Advisory Committee (“SSEAC”). A full list of open seats is available on the VDOE website.
Members of advisory committees do not receive compensation for their service but may be reimbursed for travel expenses in accordance with state travel guidelines set forth by the Department of Accounts.