ALL In Virginia
ALL In Reading Options Expanded
To help address the varied level of support for literacy needed by their students, many school divisions have reached out to the department for additional literacy resources. VDOE is pleased to offer additional resources to help school divisions meet the broad spectrum of student needs regarding the reading digital platform and literacy support.
The department has expanded the ALL in Tutoring reading initiative to include evidence-based reading resources from Ignite Reading and Lexia. The expansion of these resources helps divisions support additional students with varied reading needs and provides school divisions more options as they implement their ALL in Tutoring plans. VDOE is partnering with both Ignite Reading and Lexia to ensure that all students across the Commonwealth have access to differentiated tutoring options to help close reading skills gaps as a result of pandemic learning loss.
Here are the details of this expanded opportunity:
Ignite Reading continues to be available for students with the most critical needs and the most significant literacy-based learning loss. Ignite Reading will provide one-to-one, synchronous foundational reading skills tutoring to Virginia students with significant decoding gaps who require intensive Tier 3 support. Ignite Readinghas a record of accelerating student reading growth with their evidence-based program meeting the goals of the Virginia Literacy Act. Ignite Reading should be reserved for students who need intensive or “Tier 3” type support for students with the most critical literacy needs. Their expertise in closing decoding gaps will help ensure that students who are reading well below grade level do not fall even further behind and that they develop crucial foundational reading skills.
Lexia resources are now also available for students participating in the ALL In Initiative in Grades 3-8 who are not proficient on the Virginia Standards of Learning. The department has added Lexia’s tutoring options, Lexia Core5® Reading and Lexia PowerUp Literacy®, in support of students with unfinished literacy learning. Lexia's evidence-based programs have been proven to accelerate learning, with Core5 and PowerUp demonstrating positive results for students of all backgrounds and varying abilities. In addition, PowerUp is proven to be up to five times as effective as the average middle school reading intervention, enabling students to potentially make multiple years of growth in a single academic year.
Frequently Asked Questions
What curriculum does Ignite Reading use?
Ignite Reading is underpinned by reading researchers’ Sharon Walpole and Michael McKenna’s How to Plan Differentiated Reading Instruction. This book is an approved VDOE curriculum and is aligned to the Virginia Literacy Act.
What grades can Ignite Reading serve?
Ignite Reading will serve students in grades 3-8 through ALL In Tutoring programming. Ignite Reading will be working with students in grades 3-8 who need intensive support and have foundational skill gaps leading to dysfluency. Divisions can work with Ignite Reading to determine precisely which students would most benefit from their services.
How should school divisions consider using Ignite Reading as part of their ALL In plan?
Ignite Reading is synchronous, 1:1 tutoring. Ignite Reading recruits, trains, manages, and holds accountable its own tutor workforce. Ignite serves students through 8th grade with decoding gaps preventing them from becoming automatic, fluent readers and independently accessing grade-level content. Ignite Reading’s intensive 1:1 tutoring model enables each session to be targeted precisely to each student’s unique decoding gaps and contribute to students’ accelerated outcomes. School divisions should also consider students in upper grades who are not automatic readers. Ignite will ensure fluency support to ensure students can then build comprehension. School divisions should consider using Ignite Reading tutoring for those students who are struggling the most with basic reading proficiency.
Which divisions will receive state funded Ignite Reading licenses?
State-funded Ignite Reading licenses will be allocated based upon a first come, first serve based upon the number of seats available from Ignite Reading.
What is Lexia Reading Core5?
Lexia Core5 Reading, Grades PK-5, (for students of all abilities) is a technology-based, personalized reading program providing explicit and systematic learning in six areas of reading instruction and delivering norm-referenced performance data without interrupting the flow of instruction. Core5 Reading provides an adaptive and individualized learning experience for Grades 3-5 struggling students and enables students of all abilities to advance their reading skills.
What is PowerUp Literacy?
Lexia PowerUp Literacy, Grades 6-8, is designed to enhance core English Language Arts instruction for students with unfinished learning. Blending browser-based online student-driven instruction with offline educator-delivered lessons and independent skill-based activities, PowerUp Literacy accelerates the development of both fundamental literacy skills and higher-order thinking skills through personalized learning paths.
Does Lexia align with Virginia Standards of Learning?
Yes. Virginia Standards of Learning are embedded in myLexia® reporting at the class and student level. In addition, Virginia SOL primary and supporting standards are identified on all offline scripted Lexia Lessons® and Lexia Skill Builders®. Virginia SOL Primary Standards are also clearly identified in the Instructional Materials Libraries within myLexia® for both Core5 and PowerUp.
What if my division already has Lexia licenses? Is the school division still eligible to receive additional support from Lexia?
Lexia serves many divisions in the Commonwealth already. Divisions that already have Lexia licenses are eligible for additional support services associated with leveraging Lexia Core5 and/or PowerUp as part of their ALL In plan. Divisions who already have Lexia licenses should consult with the Lexia Success Team on how to best move forward ensuring a single sign-on for all students and if the school division division-based licenses are being used for tutoring you can tap into all the support provided as part of this program. Lexia’s customer success teams can work with you to determine the number of licenses and appropriate implementation model to add the ALL in Tutoring initiative to your current Lexia implementation.
Will division-level support be provided?
Lexia will assist with planning, rostering, launching and ongoing support. Additionally, Lexia will provide a landing page including tutorials, resources, tools, and tips to support division and school leaders, educators, tutors, and parents.
Will professional learning be provided to school division tutors?
Lexia will provide participating schools, divisions, and VDOE with a schedule of Live Online professional learning sessions. In addition, tutors will have access to live and recorded professional learning sessions on various topics such as effective launch, using data to make educational decisions, and other topics.
How does Lexia fit with ALL In Tutoring?
In addition to online student-led instruction, Lexia provides targeted, educator-led instructional materials to ensure students in Grades 3-8 receive personalized and comprehensive instruction and practice in all skill areas. While some students work using the technology-based program, others can work independently, collaboratively, or in small teacher/tutor-led groups using these instructional materials. Lexia is built on the Science of Reading, with 40 years of literacy expertise using a sounds first approach, providing practice for students, building knowledge, and offering comprehensive differentiated lessons.
What are the next steps in getting started?
School divisions will receive a link in this week’s Thursday VDOE newsletter, much like they did previously, expressing interest in using Lexia as an additional resource for school divisions’ ALL In plan. At that time, VDOE will share the school division’s interest with Lexia and the Lexia team will begin reaching out to school divisions to begin planning immediately to get them started. This will work very similarly as it did with Zearn.
In addition, Ignite Reading will resume communication with school divisions and begin services with school divisions no later than mid-December as outlined in the school division implementation plans.