VDOE TeacherDirect August 16, 2023

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Virginia Department of Education

August 16, 2023

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Did You Know? 
TeacherDirect provides a direct line of communication with classroom teachers and educators. TeacherDirect includes information about new instructional resources created by VDOE staff as well as professional development, grant opportunities, and other information of special interest to teachers. Share this newsletter with your peers and encourage them to sign up today for weekly email notifications of TeacherDirect!


Required VLA Reading Specialist Training Sessions
As part of the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA), all reading specialists are required to receive training in evidence-based literacy instruction (EBLI) aligned with science-based reading research (SBRR). This training series will prepare reading specialists to support the implementation of the VLA. All reading specialists must attend, even if they have received other EBLI/SBRR training because the training will fully equip them to support the local implementation of the VLA.  Dates:
• Roanoke - August 17 and 18
• Charlottesville - August 21 and 22
• Fairfax/Alexandria - August 24 and 25
• Richmond - August 29 and 30
• Newport News - September 7 and 8
Registration: ELA Coordinators have received an email with specific details on how to register their reading specialists for the training. School divisions will be responsible for registering their staff.  For more important updates in literacy, see the May 18, 2023 Superintendent Memo 098-23.

Free Asynchronous PD Courses for School Counselors 
Virginia Career VIEW: Vital Information for Education and Work, has partnered with Virtual Virginia to offer three new FREE asynchronous professional learning courses. These courses are of particular interest to school counselors and will introduce educators to career resources and activities that they can use with their students.  Upon successful completion of any of the New to View courses a certificate will be awarded worth five hours of professional learning. For more information/to enroll, click on one or more of the following links: 
New to View: Virginia Career View Grades K-5 (2023-2024)
New to View: Virginia Career View Grades 6-8 (2023-2024)
New to View: Virginia Career View Grades 9-12 (2023-2024)
Questions? Please contact Steven Sproles, Virtual Virginia Professional Learning Coordinator.

VDOE Early Childhood Initiatives
Deputy Superintendent of Early Childhood Care and Education, Jenna Conway, delivered a comprehensive presentation entitled Early Childhood State of the State Updates for Summer 2023 in which she shared key updates for early childhood in Virginia. Watch this informative and thorough review of key accomplishments and successes of the past year, as well as preview the exciting work that is on the horizon. This session was recorded on July 26, 2023.

Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund Grant
Applications are being accepted for the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund Grant. Priorities for the fund include activities that supplement and enhance environmental training for educators, expand environmental educational opportunities and use of educational resources, and increase the involvement of students and the public in Bay restoration activities. The deadline for submission is on September 25, 2023 at 5 p.m.

Virginia Board of Education Approves Changes to Certain Testing Requirements for Writing
On Thursday, July 27, 2023, the Virginia Board of Education approved a proposal that changes the expectations for writing assessments for grade 5 and grade 8 students. Specifically, the Board approved the elimination of the grade 8 SOL Writing test beginning in spring 2024 when the new integrated reading and writing items become part of the grades 5, 8, and end-of-course (EOC) SOL Reading tests.  The Board also approved the Guidelines for Local Alternative Assessments: 2023-2024 and Beyond. The updated guidelines recommend that school divisions use the integrated reading and writing assessment component that will be administered as part of the grade 5 SOL Reading test beginning in spring 2024 to meet the assessment requirements for Grade 5 Writing.  Additional details will be provided to school divisions later in August. 

SURN Family Engagement Academy
Building on the foundation of the five simple principles of family engagement, this year’s Academy dives deep into each principle and uses a case study approach. The Academy offers a space for individuals and division teams to learn together as they tackle some of the toughest problems of practice. Participation is both online and in-person starting on September 19. For more details and to register, visit the SURN website

Virginia Children’s Engineering Council Convention
The Virginia Children’s Engineering Council will hold an in-person convention in Williamsburg, February 23-23, 2024. The Call for Presenters is now open and information is available online. Proposals are due by September 15.  

Family Engagement Summit 
Join educators around the nation in October for this professional learning opportunity focused on strengthening collaborative family and school partnerships. Gain strategies and ideas to promote strategic family engagement.  Attend virtually or in-person. Find out more information today!

Canvas's Training Services Portal Weekly Sessions
Educators can participate in training sessions each week via Canvas's Training Services Portal. To find any of the sessions listed, make sure you are logged into your Canvas account for your local school division. Click on the Help button on the lower-left of the screen and then select Training Services Portal. The upcoming hour-long sessions are appropriate for Division and School Leaders, Statewide LMS Admin, Instructors, and Support. Session dates are:
8/17 at 2:30 p.m.: MasteryPaths Creation
8/18 at 11:30 a.m.: Canvas for Special Education
8/21 at 11:30 a.m.: Canvas for Littles
8/22 at 1 p.m.: Exploring the Canvas Commons
8/23 at 10 a.m.: Home Pages

Change in the Fall 2023 Grades 3-8 Reading and Mathematics Virginia Growth Assessments
In response to concerns about the growth assessments received from school division leaders and other stakeholders in the Commonwealth, VDOE leadership directed the student assessment staff, in collaboration with our state assessment contractor Pearson, to revise the Fall 2023 Growth Assessments so that students will take assessments this fall that will primarily measure reading and mathematics content from the student’s previous grade level. For example, students enrolled in grade 5 mathematics in fall 2023 will take growth assessments based on grade 4 mathematics content. This is a change from the fall 2022 growth assessments where students were assessed on reading and mathematics content primarily from their current grade level - content they had not yet been taught. The change in content measured by the fall 2023 growth assessments is intended to ensure that teachers, parents, and students receive feedback on how well a student has mastered content that may be needed for success in the coming school year and to identify areas where a student may need additional supports. For students taking the test online, the testing system can adapt with test questions that are one grade level above or one grade level below the student’s previous grade level as appropriate for the student. The online tests for grade 3 and grade 4 reading and mathematics in fall 2023 will include test items primarily based on grade 3 and grade 2 content with items based on grade 4 content also available. Students who need a paper test will complete a test with all questions based on the student’s prior grade level. Students enrolled in grade 3 and students enrolled in grade 4 completing a paper test will take the grade 3 paper growth assessment. The test blueprints for the revised Fall 2023 Reading and Mathematics Growth Assessments are available online on the Growth Assessment webpage on the VDOE website.

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