January 2021
EdEquityVA Monthly Newsletter
Don't ever miss a newsletter, join our mailing list here. |
Celebrating Black History Month 2021 |
As our nation prepares to observe Black History Month, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is pleased to provide school divisions and communities with the following Black History Month resources to honor and recognize African Americans and their achievements and contributions to America.
Update on Recommendations from the African American History Education Commission (AAHEC) |
As a result of the legislative recommendations presented by the African American History Education Commission (AAHEC), the Culturally Competent Virginia Educators bill is now live and making its way through the Virginia General Assembly. Two companion bills, HB 1904 carried by Delegate Clinton Jenkins and SB 1196 carried by Senator Mamie Locke, set out several new training and professional development requirements that will equip all Virginia educators with the skills necessary to sustain culturally-responsive classrooms. In addition to fostering important cultural competencies, this proposal helps to ensure history and social science teachers have the specific content knowledge to teach African American history with sensitivity and confidence. The bill does this through the following actions:
- Revises Virginia’s Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents to include cultural proficiency efficacy.
- Requires all current school board employees licensed by the VDOE and every Virginia educator seeking initial licensure or renewal of a license to complete instruction or training in cultural competency by the 2022-2023 school year, and every two years thereafter.
- Requires all educators seeking initial licensure or renewal of a license with an endorsement in history/social science to complete instruction in African American history, as prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education.
- And, allocates funding and personnel resources to develop and disseminate comprehensive professional development in the areas of cultural competence and culturally responsive pedagogy for all Virginia educators. We are thrilled to announce that the full fiscal impact of this legislation is included in the Governor's budget.
On January 21, 2021 HB 1904 passed the Virginia House of Delegates with a 59-41 vote. At this time, SB 1196 awaits being heard by the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee, chaired by Senator Howell.
Culturally Relevant and Inclusive Education Practices Advisory Committee |
During the 2020 legislative session, the Virginia General Assembly passed legislation (HB916) which charged the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to establish and appoint, in consultation with the Governor’s Office, members to a Culturally Relevant and Inclusive Education Practices Advisory Committee.
The Advisory Committee is to provide:
- Standards recommendations to the Department of Education that shall be considered by the Board of Education during the 2021-2022 review of the History and Social Science Standards of Learning; and
- Recommendations for the issuance of Board of Education guidelines for local school division staff, including teachers and school counselors, to offer age-appropriate anti-bias education to students; and
- Recommendations on meaningful professional development with school personnel related to culturally relevant and inclusive education practices.
The bill requires the Committee to report its recommendations to the Board of Education, the Governor, and the Chairs of the House Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on Education and Health no later than July 1, 2021.
The next committee meeting will take place on February 19, 2021 from 2-4pm. The Committee will provide an opportunity for members of the public to address the Committee during the public comment portion. Those wishing to provide public comment must register for the meeting in advance using this link. Please note that speakers will be limited to two minutes of speaking time.
The Committee’s meeting materials, including agendas and meeting recordings, can be found online in this public folder please note this takes you to an outside page). For more information about the committee, the full schedule of meetings, and a list of members, visit the Virginia is for Learners website.
Virginia Board of Education Meetings |
The Virginia Board of Education will convene electronically beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 27 and Thursday, January 28, 2021. The meetings are open to the public for viewing and will be livestreamed on the VDOE YouTube Channel. The following agenda items may be of interest to the EdEquityVA community:
On January 28, Virginia's Equity Framework, Navigating EdEquityVA, will be presented to the Board by the Director of the Office of Equity and Community Engagement at VDOE, Ms. Leah Walker.
On January 28, The Board will receive recommendations for revisions to the Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers. The recommendation includes the addition of a performance standard in Culturally Responsive Teaching and Equitable Practices. The Board will receive the recommendations for final review in March.
On January 27, the Board will be provided an overview of Students with Limited and/or Interrupted Formal Education (also known as SLIFE) and the proposed common statewide definition of SLIFE.
Oral public comment will not be accepted at these meetings, however, written public comment is always accepted on the Board’s email account at BOE@doe.virginia.gov. Written public comment received by 5:00p.m. on Tuesday, January 26 will be posted on the Board’s webpage. All written public comment will be provided to the Board in a timely manner. The Board president reserves the right to change the times listed on this agenda depending upon the time constraints during the meeting.
Announcing the 2021 #EdEquityVA Webinar Series |
The Virginia Department of Education offers the monthly EdEquityVA webinar series to provide educators with professional learning opportunities aimed at advancing education equity in Virginia schools.
This year’s series is strategically focused on sharing best practice and practical resources that advance the critical competencies necessary to achieve education equity in Virginia: Courageous leadership, Compassionate family and student engagement, Continuous reflection, Cultural responsiveness, and Curriculum reframing. Together these competencies make up the EdEquityVA Compass or 5 Cs of EdEquityVA. Through the diverse expertise of our partners and presenters, our goal is to offer relevant and engaging sessions to Virginia educators that align to the Department’s priorities outlined in Virginia’s equity framework, Navigating EdEquityVA.
The EdEquityVA Webinars are open to all Virginia educators, education leaders, and education stakeholders. Visit the Virginia is for Learners website for the full 2021 EdEquityVA Webinar Series schedule. Registration links will be posted there as they become available. Please note that topics and presenters are subject to change.
Register for Upcoming EdEquityVA Webinars
Collaboration for Equity: A Look at How Region II School Divisions Lead Together for Equity, January 26, 2021 from 3:00-4:30 PM
Presenters Include:
Dr. LaQuiche Parrott, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Virginia Beach City Public Schools Dr. Jennifer Clayton, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Administration, The George Washington University Dr. Sheli Porter, Director of Secondary Teaching and Learning, Chesapeake Public Schools Alaina Trott, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Chesapeake Public Schools Camille Harmon, Principal of Bayside Middle School, Virginia Beach City Public Schools
Register here!
Supporting Younger (PreK-6) Multilingual Learners: Strategies to Support Multilingual/English Learner Students in Remote/Hybrid Learning Environments, February 9, 2021 from 3:00-4:30 PM
Presenters Include:
Dr. Jessica Costa, English Learner Instructional Specialist, Virginia Department of Education
Esther Park, Instructional Designer and Learning Experience Developer
Register here!
To view recordings of previous webinars and the most up-to-date information about the #EdEquityVA Webinar Series please visit the Virginia is for Learners website.
Relevant Research and Best Practice Highlights
Our #EdEquityVA work is informed by literature, best practice, and research. Below are the resources currently occupying space on our desks:
Tools You Can Use
General Equity Resources, Guides, and Webinars
Multilingual/English Learner Students
Social/Emotional Wellbeing
Racial Equity & Anti-Racism
COVID Response
To access the Office of Equity and Community Engagement's online repository of resources, visit the Virginia is for Learners website.