AIRE Newsletter
The Arlington Initiative to Rethink Energy (AIRE) newsletter empowers subscribers with energy tips and informational events aimed to make Arlington a more sustainable community.
CEP Roadmap Progress
Consistent with standards for accountability and transparency, the AIRE Team shares a comprehensive status and outcomes matrix reflecting County progress under the Community Energy Plan (CEP) action framework - the CEP Roadmap, Years 1-2 (2022-23). This compilation of 85+ strategic actions and milestones across major sectors, instituted by AIRE directly and across the government enterprise in all-of-government partnerships to achieve the County's climate and energy objectives. The CEP Roadmap Matrix is a part of AIRE's communications platform, to inform the public on investments and outcomes, and to support AIRE's program for behavioral change and market transformation. From increasing energy efficiency to reducing carbon emissions, these efforts resulted in notable achievements that drove national and international recognition, including LEED Platinum status for Cities and ranking in the top 13% of Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) graded jurisdictions worldwide. View the report on our website.
Upcoming Events
Online Webinar
Learn from practitioners about progress in reducing the carbon footprint of new buildings needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and meet carbon neutrality goals. Register here.
Saturday, March 23, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Wakefield High School, 1325 S. Dinwiddie St.
The Arlington Environmental Collection and Recycling Event (E-CARE) is a biannual environmentally friendly drop-off event at which residents can safely dispose of Household Hazardous Materials (HHM). View the list of acceptable materials.
Hosts Needed: Arlington Green Home and Garden Tour!
Sunday, June 2
Interested in hosting your home or garden? Do you know someone whose home or garden would be a great fit? Help provide ideas and inspiration to build a greener Arlington community! Learn more by clicking the below links.
In Case You Missed It
Arlington Transit (ART) is delighted to announce a collaboration with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), introducing free MetroBus rides for Arlington County students on selected iRide Card routes, effective January 16, 2024. Get an iRide card today.
XMNR Programs
Recently, Arlington County AIRE team member Rich Dooley worked with Virginia Tech’s Executive Master of Natural Resources (XMNR) program students on their Individual Development Projects (IDP). IDPs provide opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience in the sustainability field and develop work samples. In 2023, the XMNR students provided the County with an analysis on resiliency hubs. For over ten years, Rich has presented on community energy planning to XMNR students and has contributed to Virginia Tech's Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability (CLiGS) programs that build leadership capacity in municipalities addressing climate, energy, and related challenges of sustainable development.
Energy Tips
For More Information
Missed the last edition? Find it in our newsletter archive.
For a variety of information related to the County's energy, climate and environmental projects, programs and policies, visit the AIRE Website.