The Ballston Pond Restoration Project is underway and we need your input to name the park!
The Ballston Pond is a high-priority stormwater management project that began in December 2021.We are improving the filtration of the stormwater runoff to reduce pollutants from entering the Chesapeake Bay. Even better, we are putting in a new wildlife viewing platform, interpretive signs and other elements to enhance the visitor experience.
Arlington County’s Naming Policy allows for names that either reflect a park’s unique character and features, or a name that honors someone who made a significant and positive impact to Arlington County. Learn about the County’s Naming Policy here.
When thinking about a name for the park, please keep this in mind:
- What ecological feature is most important related to this park?
- What current or past historical topic is this park known for?
- What is geographically interesting or notable about this park?
To get the ball rolling on the renaming process, we’ve come up with two names to consider that fit the naming policy. Can you come up with better options?
Name Ideas and How it Meets Naming Criteria
Proposed Name
How Name Meets Naming Criteria
Wetlands Park
Name highlights the park’s natural wetland feature.
Crossroads Park
In the early 1800’s when residential and commercial buildings were constructed near the intersection of North Glebe Road and Wilson Boulevard this intersection became known as Ball’s Crossroads after a tavern was built at the crossing. It became one of the more settled areas in the County, with an established identity as a trading center. Learn more here.
Click here to suggest a name and how the name meets the Naming Policy criteria.
Survey due by June 1.
Questions? Concerns?
Email us or call 703-228-1865.