February 23, 2021
Proposed FY 2022 Budget Released
County Manager Mark Schwartz’s proposed $1.36 billion FY 2022 budget, released on Feb. 20, serves to bridge the County through the COVID-19 pandemic, while addressing the economic impacts of the past year and investing in critical areas. The proposed budget continues many of the holds put in place during the pandemic, including delayed hiring and facility re-openings, and reinstating some County services. However, it does make investments in ongoing pandemic relief efforts, housing affordability, equity work and Arlington Public Schools (APS), among other priorities. Learn more here.
Two New Softball Leagues
Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend League: Tuesday is ladies night with the return of the Ladies Only League! Open Level Play.
Sunday Social: Quincy Park will be rocking on Sundays for an all-levels social league. Perfect for people new to Arlington, laid back vets or weekend warriors. Sign up as a team or as an individual with this relaxed-rules league meant to focus on fun and getting out in the parks!
Rec @ Home
Looking for fun outside of school hours? Check out the Rec @ Home: Winter Edition videos! From story times to art projects and games, there's tons of activities to keep kids entertained and active at home. Join us on the Youth & Family Facebook page for a new activity or resource every weekday at 3 p.m.! Details.
Final Week of Black History Month!
Make Kara Walker-inspired cut-paper silhouettes on Wed., Feb. 24 at 11:15 a.m. Follow along and create your masterpiece at our Community Arts YouTube channel.
Learn about Dr. Charles Drew’s revolutionary idea of blood banking and create your own “blood bank” in this fun active game for elementary schoolers on Fri., Feb. 26, 3 p.m. as part of Rec @ Home on Facebook.
Learn the story of the 107th United States Colored Troops and their trials and travels from Kentucky to Washington on Fri., Feb. 26, 7-7:45 p.m. during this virtual presentation for all ages. Sign up here.
Learn more about these programs and more by visiting our BHM webpage.
Help Arlington County ensure its athletic fields are utilized effectively and efficiently. Visit the Athletic Field Availability and Utilization webpage to listen to a short presentation and provide your feedback on our three focus areas. Share your thoughts now through Thurs., Feb. 25 to help us understand community interest and desires. (in English/ en español).
Spring Paint & Sip
Create gorgeous spring paintings with our March Families Unplugged @ Home – Art To Go boxes. You’ll get all of the supplies you need to create an exciting family craft project in your own home, on your own time. $20 per box. Sign up here using activity code 730020-Y.
Interim Dog Park Opens in Rosslyn
AFAC Food Drive
Help neighbors in need Feb. 25 - Mar. 1. Please drop off non-perishable foods, including canned soup, vegetables, tuna, tomatoes and beans, as well as cooking oil, in the AFAC boxes outside these facilities: Arlington Mill, Aurora Hills, Barcroft, Carlin Hall, Fairlington, Gunston, Langston-Brown, Lee, Lubber Run, Madison, Thomas Jefferson and Walter Reed.