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Traffic Alert: Crystal Drive between 26th and 27th Streets becomes two-way on Friday
 Crystal Drive between 26th and 27th Streets South and 27th Street between Crystal Drive and South Clark Street will be changed to two-way operations
Later this week the County will implement a permanent traffic pattern change on Crystal Drive near Potomac Yard.
On Friday, Oct. 4, after the morning rush hour, Crystal Drive between 26th and 27th Streets South will be changed from one-way northbound to two-way traffic. 27th Street between Crystal Drive and South Clark Street also will be changed to two-way operations.
This section of Crystal Drive will have one travel lane in each direction. 27th Street will have two eastbound lanes to access Crystal Drive and Potomac Avenue, and one westbound lane providing direct access to the Hyatt and Route 1.
After this change, Crystal Drive from 27th Street all the way up to 12th Street will be a two-way street.
Police and the County’s construction team will be on-site throughout Friday to monitor the switch and help direct traffic. If possible, avoid this area during the changeover on mid-day Friday, and be prepared for the new traffic pattern when using these streets in the future.
The Crystal Drive Two-Way Conversion project is helping to establish the street network needed to support future development and transportation improvements planned by the Crystal City Sector Plan. Learn more on the project page