APCYF Notes and Information

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June 13, 2017

Teen Network Board 2016-17 Highlights

Congratulations TNB Seniors


The Teen Network Board (TNB) held its final meeting of the year last week. They honored 25 graduating seniors!  TNB members will be attending colleges around the country to include: Wake Forest, Boston University, University of Georgia, Pomona, Fordham, UNC Chapel Hill, Tulane as well as Virginia Tech, JMU, UVA, NoVa, VCU, and Mary Washington.

The group thanked the 2016-17 Co-Chairs Noah Robertson and Simer Choudhary and welcomed the incoming Co-Chairs Ribka Tewelde and Lydia Ambellu.

The year flew by, as it always does, but we have pulled together the highlights in this short VIDEO.  Enjoy!

Learn more about the TNB here.

Announcing the Spring Connect with Kids Champions!

Connect with Kids Champions Announced


Thousands of Arlington youth encounter caring adults every single day. Since 2004, the Arlington Partnership for Children, Youth and Families (APCYF) has recognized 114 of those people as Connect with Kids Champions – adults who have built caring, supportive relationships with young people.

Reid Goldstein, School Board member, acknowledges that there are many caring ‘champions’ who support young people throughout Arlington. “In the schools alone we have thousands of incredible teachers and counselors who connect with kids; but there are also countless volunteers, afterschool program staff, coaches, bus drivers, custodians, food service people – all of whom connect with kids in school every day!”



Out-of-School Time Conference - Call for Presenters!

Out of School Time Banner

The Arlington Out of School Time (OST) Council invites you to share your knowledge, skills, and ideas with OST Staff by offering a workshop at the 2017 OST Asset Conference. Our goal is to offer a wide variety of workshops for an OST audience with varied levels of experience and education.

The conference theme is Exceeding Expectations: Customer Service in OST and focuses on both the ‘product’ (program content) and ‘service’ (how serve young people) of OST programs.

Workshop sessions are facilitator-led and are designed to share

  • successful strategies, practices, and ideas that participants can apply the following Monday in their program, or
  • thoughtful sessions to build the skills and knowledge base of OST professionals, as supervisors, peer mentors, or youth leaders. Click here to learn about and propose a WORKSHOP.

 CONFERENCE DATE: Saturday, November 4, 2017

If you would like to discuss ideas for a workshop or panel, or want more information about Developmental Assets®, please contact Michael Swisher at mswish@arlingtonva.us or 703-228-1671.

I'm With Dad Picnic

I'm With Dad Day!

Join in the fun, food and games - all are welcome as we celebrate Dads!

June 24, 2017 | 12:30 - 3:00 p.m.

Walter Reed Community Center.

2909 16th Street South, Arlington, 22204



Upcoming Meetings and Events

 June 19 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Early Childhood Committee, Sequoia Auditorium

June 21 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. APCYF Meeting, Sequoia Room D

June 27 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Mental Wellness Roundtable, Sequoia Room A

Check the meeting calendar over the summer as many committees will meet irregularly.


July 19 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Summer Retreat Potluck - Quincy Park (by Central Library)


Contact Information

Co-Chairs: Linda Henderson and Anne Vor der Bruegge
Vice Chair: Anne O'Brien

General Information: Kim Durand, Coordinator 703-228-1667
Teen Network Board: Siobhan Grayson, Youth Outreach 703-228-1506
Data Questions: Rebecca Hjelm, Data Specialist 703-228-1683
Website Updates and Information: Sally LaBonte, Website 703-228-1669
Developmental Assets: Michael Swisher, Assets Liaison 703-228-1671
Healthy Community Action Team: Mary Wulf, Coordinator 703-228-1668

apcyf@arlingtonva.us | www.apcyf.org  

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