Arlington County is hosting "I'm with Dad" Day this Saturday, June 11th from 12:30-3:30 at the Walter Reed Community Center.
They have had 150 registrants! They’re looking for VOLUNTEERS to
help with the cook out, games and other activities if you’re available, contact
Michael Swisher at 703-228-1671 or Christiane Haase at 703-228-1547.
It promises to be a fun event - hope to see you there.
Are you a great presenter? Do you have information to share?
The 2016 Out of
School Time Developmental Assets® Conference in October is seeking presenters!
The theme is Youth Voice:
Lean in & Listen
We encourage you to share your wisdom and experience by presenting at the 2016
OST Asset Conference.
The conference
theme focuses on how we can strengthen young people to use their voice; and
strengthen the rest of the community to hear youth and support them.
We plan to
offer an excellent variety of workshops, and will also
offer attendees an opportunity to hear directly from, and engage with, youth on
a different topics at youth panels throughout the day.
We seek workshop
presenters (adult and youth) & youth panelists
who are able to share real-world successes and struggles in engaging young
people in real and relevant ways.
Workshop sessions are facilitator-led and are
designed to share successful strategies, practices, and ideas that participants
can take and use in their work with youth. They can be led by youth and/or
Youth Panel sessions are designed to foster open
discussion between youth panelists and the audience. Panels are youth-led and
based on a specific topic area.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
- June 11 – 12:30 – 3:30pm “I’m with Dad Day” at Walter Reed
Community Center. They’re looking for VOLUNTEERS to
help with the cook out, games and other activities if you’re available, contact
Michael Swisher at 703-228-1671.
- June 13 – 9:00am Asset Committee, Sequoia Room A
- June 14 – 4:00pm READY Coalition Meeting, Sequoia Room
- June 14 – 7:00 – 9:00pm Arlington Community Foundation
Scholarship Award Ceremony at Kenmore
- June 21 - 3:30pm Out-of-School Time Council, Lubber Run Center
- June 23 – Graduation Day
- June 27 – 6:00 – 8:00pm Early Childhood Committee meets at Tyrol Hill Park
(5101 7th Rd. S.)
Panel of speakers included APS Principals, Administrators, Student Resource Officers, the Public Defender and the Commenwealth Attorney.
Youth Outreach Coordinator, Siobhan Grayson, and APCYF Chair, Devanshi Patel, attended the Best of 2016 Celebration to represent the TNB.
Contact Information
Chair: Devanshi Patel Vice Chair: Dave Carlson
General Information: Kim Durand,
Coordinator 703-228-1667 Teen Network Board: Siobhan Grayson,
Youth Outreach 703-228-1506 Data Questions: Rebecca Hjelm, Data Specialist 703-228-1683 Website Updates and
Information: Sally
LaBonte, Website 703-228-1669 Developmental Assets: Michael Swisher,
Assets Liaison 703-228-1671
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