The Minneapolis VA Health Care System is proud to announce the opening of a new Pop-Up Food Pantry on premise Tuesday, May 21st.
This initiative aims to provide vital food assistance as more than 600 enrolled Veterans have been identified as experiencing food insecurity in 2024.
"We are committed to increasing food resources for Veterans with food insecurity," said Pat Kelly, director of the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. "We saw a need within the Veteran community for a food pantry, and we’re partnering with organizations to meet that need." more
The gift of donation and altruism are built into the foundational values of nursing – so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the nurses at the Minneapolis VA rose to the challenge and lined up and rolled up their sleeves to give the gift of blood - 46 units worth - surpassing last years record of 42 units and meeting their goal of 45 units of donated blood for their Nurses Week event on May 11th.
“This is the highest number of donations we’ve ever received from your facility at a singular drive,” said a Red Cross worker. The Nursing team plans to make this an annual event for Nurses Week in collaboration with the American Red Cross.
Every day, blood donors help patients of all ages: accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, and those battling cancer. According to the American Red Cross, every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. And each blood donation can save up to three lives!
The Minneapolis VA Health Care System Volunteer of the Month is Patti Anderson. If you’ve seen Liberty, the patriotic scarf-wearing Siberian Husky and her handler around the medical center, you’ve met Patti.
A personal experience as a child cemented the importance of service dogs in Anderson's life. Her father was a Navy Veteran and in 1969 suffered emotional and physical complications which resulted in three months of inpatient treatment. Fortunately, the treatment saved her father and family. Patti was so appreciative of what the VA did for her father, she decided to volunteer at the VA Medical Center as a way to “pay back” a gratitude of debt. more
Over 25 female Veterans from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System took part in the second annual Women Veteran Wellness Retreat at a serene location in Victoria, Minn. Participants ranged in age from 25-75 with some Veterans traveling more than 170 miles to join the one-day retreat. Minneapolis VA Medical Center teams from Whole Health, Women’s Clinic and Center for Integrated Health and Healing did on-site demonstrations of QiGong, healthy teaching kitchen, and art therapy as women Veterans focused on mindfulness and self-care in a psychologically safe space. more
In honor of ALS Awareness Month, the Minneapolis VA Health Care System ALS Center of Excellence hosted its inaugural Resource and Education Fair for Veterans with ALS, their family, and Caregivers.
Seven Veterans and five family members and Caregivers had the opportunity to work directly with staff on various aspects of eating and drinking. Topics included how to navigate feeding tubes, work through swallowing issues, understanding feeding equipment, and tips on overall respiratory health. more
Upcoming Events
Veteran Job and Resource Fair June 11, 2024 1pm - 4pm, Minneapolis VA Medical Center, One Veterans Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55417. Multiple featured businesses on site. No registration required, please come prepared for a potential interview and don’t forget your resume.
Veteran and Caregiver Virtual Townhall June 13, 2024 11am - 11:30am. Click here for details: VA Minneapolis Health Care | Town Hall For Metro Area VA Community Clinics Veterans And Caregivers (virtual) | Veterans Affairs
50th Anniversary Vietnam War Commemoration presented by MN Department of Veterans Affair, Thursday June 13 - Saturday June 15. For more information see
Visit our website for all upcoming events at Events | VA Minneapolis Health Care | Veterans Affairs
Share your experience and improvement ideas with us. All comments are anonymous, click HERE to tell us how we are doing. If you would like to speak with someone about a specific care concern, please contact the Patient Advocate Office at 612-467-2106.