Featured Research Program
Local Site Investigators: Drs. Frank Jacono and Mohammad Shatat
Study Coordinator: Kimberly Rucker
What is MVP?
VA's Million Veteran Program (MVP) is a national research program looking at how genes, lifestyle, military experiences, and exposures affect the health and wellness in Veterans. Understanding differences in our genes can help explain why some people get diseases and respond to certain treatments while others don’t. Veterans, families, and their providers can use findings from MVP to make important health care decisions.
Since launching in 2011, over 1 million Veterans have joined MVP. It's the largest genomic biorepository of Veteran data and is one of the most diverse cohorts of any genetic research program in the world.
Individual genetic information is not currently returned to our MVP participants.
Applying for Access to MVP Data
MVP genomic and phenotypic data are currently available to VA investigators and other approved partners, with plans for expanding to non-VA investigators in the future.
Data are available through a research merit review process with VA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD). Calls for proposals are announced periodically and are found under RFAs and Program Announcements. NOTE: This link is only accessible by VA researchers on the VA Intranet.
MVP requests research services make MVP data available through as many RFAs as possible. If you have questions, please contact your specific funding service.
For other questions related to data access, please contact MVPLOI@va.gov.
We are available to provide more information or help interested Veterans join. For questions about the study, or to enroll in person, please contact :
Kimberly Rucker at the Clinical Research Center- Rm ( 1-C370) .
You can also call 866-441-6075 to schedule an appointment or go to mvp.va.gov to learn more and join online.
Simple enrollment steps include:
-Completing the consent process and allowing our program access to your health records.
-Providing a blood sample
-Completing Surveys about health, lifestyle, military experiences, and exposures.
Veterans do not need to be enrolled in VA health care to join VA’s Million Veteran Program.
Research Forums
Research forums will be held monthly. Our winter/spring schedule is listed below. Presentations will be broadcast using MS Teams.
Tuesday, February 27 @ 1:00PM Overview of the COI Module, presented by, Christina Bennett, Health System Specialist - Research & Development Committee Administrator
Microsoft Teams meeting; Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Meeting ID: 274 189 817 615 Passcode: qFJwSr
Click here to join the meeting
Tuesday, March 26 @ 1:00PM Getting to know the Cleveland VA Research and Education Foundation (CVAREF), presented by, Jeffrey Moore, Ph.D., Executive Director and Marcie Denallo, Grants Manager
Tuesday, April 23 @ 1:00PM Reportable Events and ICFs presented by, Joy Volpi, IRB Administrator
Updates from VA Fiscal Team Regarding Participant Payments - February 7 @1:00PM
Ryan Amos from Cleveland VA Fiscal office will provide an update on the process for using VA funds to pay research participants. He will cover how to complete the vendor form, who to send it to and how long it should take to process, as well as how to complete the 7078 form. Additionally, he will touch on Direct Express Cards, what they are and how a Veteran can request one.
You can join the meeting via Microsoft Teams
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 229 639 995 070 Passcode: DPnRXK
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Or call in (audio only)
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Electronic Process of Conflict Interest Disclosures
VANEOHS is pleased to announce the adoption of the IRBNet suite of tools for submission of electronic Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosures.
VANEOHS will begin accepting electronic COI submissions via IRBNet on February 12, 2024. Beginning on March 18, 2024, all disclosures (including revisions and renewals) must be submitted electronically via IRBNet, and all decisions will be issued electronically via IRBNet.
February 12, 2024
- Instructions and guidance for the new MyCOI process will be uploaded to the IRBNet Forms and Templates library (VANEOHS Research Administration, Cleveland, OH – Documents for Researchers) and the VANEOHS Research website for reference.
- The old PDF COI forms will temporarily remain on the VANEOHS Research website to accommodate submissions that are in progress. It is recommended that the PI work with their team when planning to submit COIs during this transition period to ensure all investigators are informed as to what form (new or old) should be used as all investigators on a project must submit their COIs via the same method.
- If there are any questions or if assistance is needed while compiling a submission during this transition period, please contact the VANEOHS Research Administrative Staff responsible for your project, or the VANEOHS VAIRRS general mailbox at VHACLEVAIRRS@va.gov .
March 18, 2024
- Packages submitted on or after this date must use the new MyCOI process.
- Any package submitted on or after this date with an old/discontinued COI form will be returned for correction.
Revised Research Protocol Safety Survey
A local version of the Research Protocol Safety Survey, VA Form 10-0398, was approved by the Subcommittee on Research Safety & Security in August. This form combines both the PDF RPSS (VA Central Office) and the SRSS Local Appendix. Investigators and their staff only need to submit the new local version. This new form is a word document, which allows more flexibility for Investigators and their staff to complete it.
When filling out this form, and you have questions, please contact John Schaffer, Research Safety Coordinator, or john.schaffer@va.gov.
Office Hours (Research Compliance & Education)
Research Compliance Office & Research Service (Education) have an open forum via teams the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month from 12:30pm-1:00pm. NOTE the new time.
During the office hours you can ask any questions that you may have about Research Compliance/Research Education.
If you have topics that you would like us to discuss in future office hours, please send an email to Jennifer Zindle jennifer.zindle@va.gov
Please use the link below to join us on Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 236 321 831 958 Passcode: HAvGVK
Study Initiation Visits
What is a Study Initiation Visit?
The study initiation visit encompasses a review of regulatory requirements as they apply to your specific study, good clinical practice guidelines, the informed consent and HIPAA documents as well as a review of how to maintain study records (regulatory binder and subject files).
The Research Compliance Office is required to perform a triennial regulatory audit of studies (human subjects' research, animal protocols, and basic science studies) and informed consent and HIPAA audits if applicable. The intent of a study initiation visit is to help the researcher avoid the most common audit findings before they occur.
Did you know that you can schedule a Study Initiation Visit with the Research Service?
The study initiation visit is available to all research staff. If you are new to research or need a refresher, you can schedule a study initiation visit today.
For scheduling or questions contact Candice Toney at Candice.Toney@va.gov or 216-791-3800 x66785.
Update to Transition of Electronic Records
To improve transparency and efficiency, federal agencies are required to transition to electronic recordkeeping. By June 30, 2024, all permanent records should be managed electronically. After this date, only electronic formats will be accepted by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
Temporary records should also be managed electronically as much as possible. Agencies can continue using physical formats for some records if they receive permission from NARA. However, after June 30, 2024, inactive records eligible for transfer must be stored in commercial storage facilities.
To help with the transition, NARA will provide guidance and regulations by June 30, 2024. These will cover standards for electronic recordkeeping, storage, formats, metadata, and transfer. NARA will also establish requirements for federal agencies procuring electronic records management solutions and services by December 31, 2023.
Overall, the goal is to have a more efficient and accessible records management system by moving away from paper-based records and embracing electronic formats.
We will provide more information from our local Records Manager in the near future.
Upcoming VA Research Funding Deadlines
The next round of VA Grant submissions will take place in March 2024 for BLR&D, CSR&D and RR&D SPiRE.
If you are considering an application, please reach out to Christine.Hendricks@va.gov for additional information.
Office of Research & Development
Upcoming Webinars: Office of Research Protections, Policy, and Education Webinars (va.gov)
Archived webinars can be found at: ORPP&E Webinar Archive (va.gov)
Recent webinars:
(1/24/2024) VAMC Reimbursements
(12/20/2023) HRPP Bimonthly Updates in VA Research: December 2023
(12/19/2023) Implementation of VHA Notice 2023-09, Outside Compensation for Performance of VA Research
(12/14/2023) Finance Monthly Training: Explaining VA Funding Requirements to Principal Investigators
Stay Connected
VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System Cleveland Research Website Office of Research & Development