JIT Delays December
The Holiday season is in full swing! This means more people are taking holiday leave. Increased absences may result in delays obtaining regulatory approvals which may in turn delay JIT completion. Keep in mind that the deadline for completing JIT applications from the Spring 2023 cycle is February 12, 2024. In case of potential delays to completing JIT within the 180-day deadline, please submit a JIT extension waiver. Instructions on how to access and complete the waiver can be found in the Miscellaneous JIT Extension area by clicking Additional Agency Comments. Enjoy your Holiday!
The following announcement for an informational webinar for a newly released RFA is shared on behalf of the ORD Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee and its co-Chairs,
What: Webinar for the ORD Sponsored Summer Research Program (SRP) RFA
When: Monday, January 8, 2024, at 3 PM EST
Link to join: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NWNjODFhYmEtNmIwMi00ZDE3LWJlYjktNTU0YjhhOTc2NGQ1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e95f1b23-abaf-45ee-821d-b7ab251ab3bf%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2244210df4-40a6-4de9-a5a5-586b69cfc7cf%22%7d
Agenda: ORD staff will present a brief overview of the Summer Research Program and submission requirements and be on hand to answer any questions.
Audience: Interested Investigators and Field R&D Service administrators
The full RFA can be found here:
The 2024 Barnwell Award Applications are due by February 1, 2024. The John B. Barnwell Award (Barnwell Award) is the Clinical Science Research and Development Service’s highest honor for outstanding achievement in clinical research that advances the diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment of diseases and disorders in the Veteran population.
Nominations for this award must come from the VA Medical Center through the local R&D Office. To be eligible for the Barnwell Award, nominees must meet specific qualifications. For further details, please review the program guide and instructions by searching Barnwell Award at the ORD website:
John Blair Barnwell Award (va.gov)
Questions may be directed to Dr. Mark Roltsch (Mark.Roltsch@va.gov).
Nominations for the Middleton Award are due by February 1, 2024. The William S. Middleton Award is the highest honor awarded by Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development Service (BLR&D) for outstanding scientific contributions and achievements in the areas of biomedical research. More information and submission instructions for the Middleton Award can be found at: https://www.research.va.gov/services/blrd/middleton.cfm, or you can contact Carol.fowler@va.gov.
...at Arlington National Cemetery
On December 1, CSRD staff took advantage of a special opportunity to spend time with Dr. Carolyn Clancy, VHA Assistant Under Secretary for Health, Discovery, Education and Affiliate Networks (DEAN), and other leadership at Arlington National Cemetery (above), setting foot in different areas of the Cemetery, participating in a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (right), and touring the Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial (below). These events were coordinated by ORD in partnership with the Arlington National Cemetery, the US Army’s Third Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), and the US National Park Service. Each event was intended to spur deep reflection regarding how DEAN/ORD’s work directly impacts Veterans from all war theaters. Dr. Clancy’s intent was to reinforce the solemn duty DEAN and ORD staff have to Veterans and their survivors by engaging in events that specifically highlight the critical importance of their role at VA. The end goal was for each individual to re-dedicate themselves to delivering the best possible performance in their daily service to our nation’s Veterans.
...at ABRCMS 2023 Annual Conference
On November 14, Scientific Portfolio Manager Dr. Mark Roltsch participated in the Federal Panel as part of the Graduate Symposium of the 2023 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS). The Federal Panel included NIH, CDC, VA and NSF. Below, presenters were photographed in front of the Phoenix Convention Center in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. Health Science Specialist Chinagozi Ugwu also attended the conference, staffing the ORD exhibit booth and providing information to conference participants about opportunities within ORD, Summer Research Program (SRP), Career Development Awards (CDA), and supplemental funding opportunities.
...at Fall Family Gathering
On November 4, ORD colleagues and families gathered for fun, food and fellowship on the Chesapeake Bay in Tracy’s Landing, Maryland.
FY 2022-2025 VHA Long-Range Plan
The Long-Range Plan (LRP) articulates VHA’s organizational goals, objectives and strategies through FY 2025, and is designed to guide planning and directional decision-making across VHA. Help keep the LRP at the forefront to guide all employees. Share the LRP Toolkit with your team members so they understand how to align their work with our enterprise goals and objectives.
The CSRD Data Monitoring Committee (DMC), that provides data and safety monitoring for CSRD-funded projects, is seeking biostatisticians, neurologists, and other new members. For more information, please contact DMC Manager Dr. Tamara Paine.at Tamara.Paine@va.gov.
Career Development: VHACADEReview@va.gov
Clinical Trials: clin-review@va.gov
General Mailbox: VHABLRD-CSRD@va.gov (Please note this is a shared mailbox that should be used for general questions that will be triaged by staff to the appropriate individual.)
Just-in-Time Mailbox: VHACOBLCSRDJIT@va.gov
Scientific Portfolio/Program Managers: BLR&D and CSR&D Contact Information (va.gov)
Newsletter: Lucindia.Shouse@va.gov