PACT Act – Deadline to apply for backdated benefits extended to August 14
S.A.V.E. - Suicide prevention training
No insurance card needed from Veterans
V A 'G O O D N E W S' S T O R I E S
VA extends deadline through Monday, August 14 for Veterans and survivors to apply for PACT Act benefits backdated to August 10, 2022.
VA announced that Veterans and survivors who apply (or submit their intent to file) for PACT Act benefits by 11:59 PM ET on Monday, August 14, 2023 will be eligible to have their benefits backdated to August 10, 2022 – the day President Biden signed the PACT Act into law. All Veterans and their survivors are encouraged to apply – or submit their intent to file – for PACT Act benefits now by visiting VA.gov/PACT.
The PACT Act expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to toxic exposures from burn pits and other activities related to their military service. Veterans are encouraged to get screened for toxic exposures they may have experienced during military service. Additional resources:
Suicide prevention training – S.A.V.E. - is available to Veteran caregivers and family members though VA’s Caregiver Support Program (CSP).
S.A.V.E. reflects the essential steps to remember in suicide prevention:
Signs of suicide
Asking about suicide
Validating feelings
Encouraging help and expediting treatment.
This comprehensive training educates caregivers and Veteran family members on recognizing the warning signs of suicidal thoughts. It guides engagement in compassionate conversations, identifying support needs and effectively connecting Veterans to mental health resources.
For another free training related to Veteran suicide prevention, please view Dr. Miguel LaPuz’s video message about opportunities provided by VA’s Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.
A reminder to you and your staff that proof of a Veteran’s community care eligibility is confirmed by the approved VA referral/authorization.
After you receive approved referral/authorization, you should provide the care covered in the approved referral/authorization letter. There is no “insurance” card Veterans need to present to receive care.
For urgent care, a Veteran should present:
- A valid, government-issued photo ID, and
- A copy of the VA urgent care assistance card
Emergency rooms should provide care to any Veteran who self-presents, then call the nearest VA medical center (VAMC) within 72 hours of the beginning of providing care to a Veteran. VA will confirm the Veteran’s eligibility and coordinate further with emergency room staff.
For more information please visit https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/providers/info_UrgentCare.asp
E D U C A T I O N & T R A I N I N G
This webinar will provide important information to members of health care teams about managing patients who suffer from schizophrenia, and assist in delivering high-quality, evidence-based care to schizophrenia patients. The audience includes physicians, psychologists, nurses, pharmacists and social workers.
Location: VHA TRAIN ID#: 1111512 Time: One (1) hour Credit/hours: 1 Accreditations: ACCME, ACCME-NP, ACPE, ANCC, APA, ASWB, JA IPCE, NYSED-P, NYSED-SW
Health Concerns for Older LGB Veterans
This training focuses on health concerns for older LGB Veterans and is part of a series of programs on health care for Veterans with lesbian, gay, bisexual, or LGB, and related identities. The audience is physicians, clinical staff, psychologists, social workers, nurses and administrative staff.
Location: VHA TRAIN ID#: 1111120 Time: 0.25 hour Accreditations: None
Preventing Suicide Through Lethal Safety and Safety Planning
This course provides updated lethal means training and resources for VHA facility Suicide Prevention Coordinators and other MH/SP clinicians.
Accreditations offered: APA, ACCME, ACCME-NP, ANCC, APA, NBCC, ASWB, NYSED SW
Location: VHA TRAIN ID#: 1075258 Time: One (1) hour
Opioid Safety Initiative
This course discusses evidence-based management of Veterans with chronic pain to improve patient outcomes and decrease incidences of complications related to opioid prescribing.
Location: VHA TRAIN ID#: 1086479 Time: One (1) hour
P O D C A S T S & W E B I N A R S
The Long COVID Webinar Series is now available on VHA TRAIN!
The September webinar, "Supplements and medications for Long COVID: Suggestions and rationale," will be presented by David F. Putrino, PhD. Putrino is a physical therapist and Director of Rehabilitation Innovation for the Mount Sinai Health System. He is also a Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation and Human Performance at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He develops innovative technology solutions for individuals in need of better health care accessibility.
DATE & TIME: Wednesday, September 6, 2023, 1 p.m. ET VHA TRAIN Access Links: Non-VA employees click here. VA employees click here
The presentation includes a question-and-answer session. VA employees can register at this TMS link to receive credit for the webinar. Select the correct class start date when registering.
WEBINAR LINK: https://veteransaffairs.webex.com/veteransaffairs/j.php?MTID=m24f2839758da808686bf15a26ae91a06 Webinar password: A8JeSwwg*85 (28537994 from phones) To join by phone: 404-397-1596, access code: 276 340 13157 Accreditations: JA IPCE, ACCME, ANCC, ACCME-NP, ACPE, APA, NYSED, NYSED-P, NBCC, APTA
About the series
The Long COVID lecture series highlights research on post-acute and long-term outcomes of COVID-19. The series began in summer 2022 within the St. Louis VA Health Care System and was conceived and developed by Uly Labilles, Ph.D, research-health science specialist, Office of Research and Development, and Ziyad A-Aly, MD, Research and Development Service Chief.
To be added to the Long COVID Lecture Series distribution list, please email Dr. Uly Labilles.
Trainings available through Optum and TriWest
Numerous live and on-demand webinars and trainings are offered by Optum and TriWest to fit your schedule. Check them out!
Questions? If you require assistance, please contact the VHA TRAIN Help Desk by email at vhatrain@va.gov.
How to obtain your credit completion certificate:
Once you complete a credited training, you can obtain your credential certificate(s) in four easy steps:
Log in to VHA Train - https://vha.train.org/vha/login
- Go to “Your Learning”
- Go to “Your Certificates”
Download your certificate
V E T E R A N S P O T L I G H T |
 Earlyn Black Harding was an Army Veteran and member of the famed “Band of Angels”— U.S. Army and Navy nurses who served on Bataan and Corregidor during Japan’s 1941-42 invasion of the Philippines. She was among 12,000 Americans who became POWs with the fall of Corregidor on May 6, 1942. The 77 military nurses captured were the first large group of female military personnel held by an enemy.
In June 1946, now-1st Lt. Black resigned her commission but remained in the Army Standby Reserve, retiring in 1950 as a captain. She married Lt. Col. Harding on June 30, 1946. They had two children and lived in Texas and New Mexico. She died at 88 on August 16, 2007, and is buried in Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery. Learn more about Earlyn’s story.
 Clifford Sims enlisted in the Army in 1961 and served briefly in the 82nd Airborne before he was transferred to the 101st Airborne when the Vietnam conflict escalated. He served as a squad leader in Company D, 2nd Battalion, 501st Infantry, known as the “Delta Raiders.”
Sims began his Vietnam tour in late 1967, just a few weeks before the Tet Offensive. On February 21st, 1968, Sims was leading his squad away from a burning ammunition dump when he heard a booby trap set off. To save his brothers, he screamed for them to get back and jumped onto the explosive, taking the full brunt of the blast. He was killed instantly.
For his sacrifice, Sims was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. Please take a moment to honor this hero by visiting his Veterans Legacy Memorial page.
We honor their service.
V A 'G O O D N E W S' S T O R I E S
Marine Corps Veteran Dave Mapp remembers the day he was told he had 18 months to live after being diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Nine years later, he’s in remission and living proof that anything is possible with a positive attitude… and great health care through VA.
Mapp was a guest during Bay Pines VA’sBay Pines VA’s Pride Month observance, where he spoke about his experiences as a Veteran and as a patient with VA.
Learn more about Dave’s story.
In November 2022, Terry Bagley, Sr., 70, Maryland VA employee and a Marine Corps Veteran, was walking to the grocery store to pick up some pasta for the Thanksgiving meal he was preparing. A house in his neighborhood exploded and he heard someone cry for help.
“Others held me back and told me not to run into the house, but I yelled ‘Oorah’ and went in,” said Bagley.
Bagley was seriously injured, and it wasn’t clear if he’d survive. Clinicians placed him into a medically induced coma and delayed a surgery until his heartbeat became stronger. Now recovered, Bagley returned to work where staff members welcomed him back and recognized his heroic actions with an award presentation July 7. Learn more about Terry Bagley’s story.
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COMMUNITY PROVIDERS: Thank you for all you do to support our Veterans.