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Pride Counts at VA

LGBTQ+ Pride Month flyer

LGBTQ+ Health Program for Veterans

Pride Counts at VA is meant to inspire, educate, and inform Veterans that VA provides an affirming and respectful environment where they can feel comfortable talking about sexual orientation and gender identity with their VA providers so that we can offer the best care possible. Pride Counts at VA informs
Veterans that they can include their sexual orientation and gender identity information in their health records. Everyone has a gender identity and a sexual orientation. Veterans who are LGBTQ+ face increased health risks and unique challenges in accessing quality healthcare. We envision a VA where everyone feels comfortable and supported in sharing who they are and understands the importance of providers individualizing health care.

Pride in Serving LGBTQ+ Veterans: VA remains committed to providing culturally responsive care for LGBTQ+ Veterans. Including sexual orientation and gender identity in patients’ electronic medical records shows our commitment. VA takes pride in celebrating, honoring, and serving the Veteran you are.

Pride in Your Health: VA encourages Veterans to talk about all aspects of their lives with their providers, including sexual orientation and gender identity, so that we can provide the best care possible. Conversations and the information you share with your VA provider are confidential. Veterans can speak to their provider or contact their local LGBTQ+ Veteran Care Coordinator to get information and assistance with adding their gender identity, sexual orientation, and chosen name to their VA health record. Veterans can enter their gender identity and preferred name in their VA.gov profile. Routine health care is an important part of staying healthy. Talk to your VA health care provider to learn more about which medical exams, screenings, immunizations, and services are recommended for you.

Pride in Serving LGBTQ+ Veterans: Connect with your local LGBTQ+ Veteran 
Care Coordinator to help you navigate your health care and set up appointments.

Learn more: VHA LGBTQ+ Health Program (va.gov)

Women Veterans Recognition Day - June 12

Women Veterans Recognition day poster

VA dedicates Women Veterans Recognition Day (June 12) to recognizing, honoring, and remembering the women who have served our country. On June 12, 1948, the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act was signed by President Harry S. Truman, allowing women to permanently serve in the regular Armed Forces. 

The Act states: “To establish the Women’s Army Corps in the Regular Army, to authorize the enlistment and appointment of women in the Regular Air Force, Regular Navy and Marine Corps, and in the Reserve components of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that this Act may be cited as the “Women’s Armed Services Integration Act of 1948.”  

The signing of this Act changed the nature of the Veteran population and created a greater need for a focus on improving services specific to women Veterans.  

Women have served in U.S. wars and conflicts throughout America’s history and in many roles, including as nurses, soldiers, spies, test pilots, and more. Today, women are eligible to serve in all military occupations and positions including logistics, munitions, intelligence, and combat aviators. They contribute to the most professional, educated, agile, and strongest military the U.S. has ever seen. 

Throughout June, we are recognizing, honoring, and remembering all women who have served. We’re proud to have continued to provide, improve, and expand gender-specific resources and care through 

  • Establishing the National Advisory Committee on Women Veterans to assess your needs and to recommend changes that would eliminate obstacles in accessing your care 
  • Launching the Center for Women Veterans and the Women Veterans Call Center as resources to help and guide you in navigating VA health care and services 
  • Providing you with gender-specific services, such as Pap tests, breast examinations, mammography, newborn and childcare, maternity care, and general reproductive health care 
  • Focusing efforts on ending harassment through programs, like White Ribbon and the Harassment Prevention Program, aimed at improving your experiences at VA medical centers across the country 
  • Establishing the Office of Women's Health to provide high quality, gender-specific health care in a safe and sensitive environment at VA health facilities nationwide 

We also strive to be a national leader in women's health care, raising the standard of care for all women. Today, more than two million women Veterans live in the U.S. Women are the fastest-growing Veteran population and are eligible to serve in every branch of the U.S. military, in every occupation and position. VA is honored to provide you with the best health care to meet your unique needs. Learn more at www.womenshealth.va.gov.   

Check out this great women Veteran podcast!

She Wears the Boots: A Podcast for Women Veterans is an official VA sponsored podcast that focuses on topics relevant to Servicewomen and women Veterans. The goal of this podcast is to enhance the lives of women Veterans by sharing information on women’s health care services offered through VA.

Whole Health

Surroundings and Why They're Important

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VLI Legal Clinic - June 23

Veterans Legal Institute Legal Clinic Flyer

The Veterans Legal Institute is partnering with VA Long Beach for a Legal Clinic on Friday, June 23rd from 9AM - 10:30AM in Building 165, Rm C209B at VA Long Beach!

Call 714-884-4421 for guidance on the application process and to determine eligibility to attend the clinic. Please specify the type of legal assistance you are seeking.

Please note that all veterans must complete the online application found on www.vetslegal.org prior to attending the clinic (at the beginning of the description of your matter, type ("VA LONG BEACH CLINIC APPOINTMENT REQUESTED.")

*Please bring a copy of your DD214 if you have it available.

Red Cross Blood Drive - June 28

Red Cross Blood Drive

Please join us for a blood drive at VA Long Beach Healthcare System on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Visit RedCrossBlood.org to schedule an appointment.

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Beneficiary Travel 30-Day Timely Filing Rule

30 Day Bene Travel Expiry

For BT Claims:

A) All BT Claims with a date of travel beginning March 1, 2020 and ending 60 days following the date of the emergency period defined in 42 U.S.C. 1320b5(g)(1) will not be subject to the 30 Calendar day filing limit within 38 CFR Part 70, Subpart A, Beneficiary Travel and Special Mode Transportation Under 38 U.S.C. 111 70.20 (b).

  1. For example, a travel date of March 1st would normally be required to be filed by midnight on March 30th. The new filing deadline will now be based on 60 days following the end of the emergency period.
  2. To identify claims that are submitted beyond the normal 30 calendar days but within the identified period of emergency, the remark of COVID-19 must be added for auditing purposes.

B) Claims will still be denied as appropriate and the Claimant mailed written notification using the approved BT denial templates with VA form 10-0998 attached explaining their right to appeal.


When filing a claim:

  • Proof of Attendance is required with ALL community care claims
  • Claims may be denied if there is no Proof of Attendance
  • It is the Veterans responsibility to provide the Proof of Attendance 

For questions, please contact VA Long Beach Beneficiary Travel at
562-826-8000 Ext. 14633