Featured Research Program
Cleveland VA Medical Center Virtual Reality Lab
We enhance walking gait and balance training with real time feedback in our virtual reality system. Our virtual reality applications can facilitate postural symmetry and stability training, weight-shifting, stepping, and walking. This system can incorporate feedback, games, and movement analysis to enhance standing and movement skills. Our system consists of a dual-belt instrumented treadmill, a motion capture system, and a virtual reality environment, including 14 motion capture cameras and a flat projection screen. The system has interactive and real-time visual and auditory feedback for evaluation and training. In addition, we can build real-time biomechanical models of our participants to calculate kinematic and kinetic measurements. This has been valuable in studying transfemoral prosthesis control. The system also allows us to build custom VR applications to deliver novel motor training tasks. Among other projects, we’re currently studying a dual modality therapy in stroke survivors which combines a novel motor training task with transcranial direct current stimulation for improving walking performance. In another project, we deliver changes in optic flow of a hospital hallway to participants with Parkinson’s disease. In this work, the visual information in the virtual reality system is modulated to create a mismatch between optic flow velocity generated by the visual scenery and the speed of the treadmill. We’re studying the movement of the lower limbs and trunk, and potential freezing behaviors which can hamper the activities of daily living in those with Parkinson’s.
For more information, please contact:
Elizabeth C. Hardin, Ph.D. elizabeth.hardinvandenbogert@va.gov
Research Forums
Research forums will be held monthly at the VA in Room K119. Our spring schedule for forums is listed below. We encourage you to attend in person if you can. If you are unavailable to attend in person, you will have the option to view the presentation via Teams.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 @1:00PM
IRB Overview
presented by, Jacqueline Charles, IRB Administrator & Joy Volpi IRB Coordinator
Microsoft Teams meeting; Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Meeting ID: 281 877 286 274 Passcode: cCtUEH
Or call in (audio only)
+1 872-701-0185,,823825704#
Click here to join the meeting
Tuesday, May 9th @1:00PM
VA Million Veterans Program: presented by Neal Peachey, Ph.D., Associate Chief of Staff/Research
Tuesday, June 20th @ 1:00pm
Flagging Process in CPRS: presented by Larry Foote, Health Systems Specialist
Office Hours (Research Compliance & Education)
We are pleased to announce office hours with the Research Compliance Office & Research Service (Education). Candice, Jennifer, and Heba will have an open forum via teams the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month from 12:30pm-1:00pm
During the office hours you can come and ask any questions that you may have about Research Compliance/Research Education. If you have a topics that you would like for us to discuss in future office hours, please feel free to send an email to candice.toney@va.gov
Please use the link below to join us Friday, April 17 at 12:30pm
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 272 015 014 191 Passcode: kDx3KT
Study Initiation Visits
What is a Study Initiation Visit?
The study initiation visit encompasses a review of regulatory requirements as they apply to your specific study, good clinical practice guidelines, the informed consent and HIPAA documents as well as a review of how to maintain study records (regulatory binder and subject files).
The Research Compliance Office is required to perform a triennial regulatory audit of studies (human subjects' research, animal protocols, and basic science studies) and informed consent and HIPAA audits if applicable. The intent of a study initiation visit is to help the researcher avoid the most common audit findings before they occur.
Did you know that you can schedule a Study Initiation Visit with the Research Service?
The study initiation visit is available to all research staff. If you are new to research or need a refresher, you can schedule a study initiation visit today.
For scheduling or questions contact Candice Toney at Candice.Toney@va.gov or 216-791-3800 x66785
IRB updates
Please pay close attention to IRBnet/VAIRRS generated emails regarding IRB expiration. Continuing Reviews must be submitted 60 days before the study expiration date. Messages are sent from VAIRRS at 90 days, 60 days and 30 days prior to the study's expiration date. Once you receive the 30-day notice the report is past due and you risk the study expiring. If the study expires, all research activity must stop until the IRB approves the study's continuation.
More information regarding IRBnet messages and alerts can be found at: Messages and Alerts for Researchers (clevelandvaresearch.org)
Upcoming VA Research Funding Deadlines
VA RR&D and HSR&D funding applications are submitted in June and December. For June 2023, the last day to submit is June 8.
All submissions must be reviewed and approved by the R&D Committee prior to submitting. if you are planning to submit a grant application this upcoming Winter cycle, Please contact Christine Hendricks (Christine.hendricks@va.gov).
Letter of Intent dates
Pre-Applications (LOIs) for June RR&D submissions are due by May 1st . These are submitted through a Grants.gov workspace.
Intent to Submit (ITS) for December HSR&D submissions is due May1st. This is done through HSR&D's ART website.
BLR&D and CSR&D Career Development Letter of Intent (LOI) submission deadline is May 1st. An approved LOI is required to submit a full application in September 2023. BLR&D/CSR&D will be hosting CDA office hours on Wednesday, March 29 from 200PM - 300PM. Please reach out to holly.henry@va.gov if you would like more information regarding how to join the office hours.
Office of Research & Development
Upcoming Webinars: Office of Research Protections, Policy, and Education Webinars (va.gov)
4/5/2023 HRPP Bimonthly Updates in VA Research: April 2023
4/11/2023 VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series: How to Properly Utilize the Research Admin Workspace in IRBNet
04/13/2023 FIND Pro Tool Rollout- Demonstration of Document Finder and Asking Research Related Policy Questions
Recent Webinars
02/28/2023 VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series: VA Central IRB Quality Assurance Process in IRBNet
Archived webinars can be found at: ORPP&E Webinar Archive (va.gov)
Stay Connected
VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System Cleveland Research Website Office of Research & Development