Veteran Toxic Exposure Concerns?
Veteran Spotlight Veterans Day Salute to all Veterans
HealthShare Referral Manager (HSRM) Live Training Available
VA can help.
The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022, also known as the PACT Act, allows VA to provide much-needed benefits and care to generations of Veterans who were exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances during military service.
The PACT Act:
Offers every enrolled Veteran an initial toxic exposure screening and a follow-up screening at least every five years
- Solidifies VA’s process for establishing presumptions of service connection of toxic exposure-related conditions
Makes generations of Veterans eligible for VA health care, while increasing access to care
Increases funding for VA research on Veteran toxic exposure
Gives VA tools to hire and retain employees and modernize over 30 facilities
How to assist Veterans who feel they may have been exposed:
Live training for HealthShare Referral Manager (HSRM) is now available for community providers as a two-part event. While the original one-part, instructor-led training is still offered, the newer, two-part course may be of particular interest to some providers because more time is devoted to each topic and for demonstrations and questions from the audience.
This two-part training days and times:
- Part 1: Every Thursday, 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. ET
- Topics:
- Overview of HSRM registration process and how to create an ID.me account
- Overview of HSRM and lifecycle of a referral
- Find, view, and manage a referral
- Record appointments and manage documents
- Q&A
- Part 2: Every Friday, 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ET
- Topics:
- Access the Clinical Viewer portal from HSRM, featuring a comprehensive overview of a Veteran’s medical history
- Notify VA of care that requires precertification
- Overview of additional tools in HSRM including Component Menu, Action Menu, Tasks, and Reports
- HSRM registration (continued)
- Q&A
“Our Veterans accepted the responsibility to defend America and uphold our values when duty called.” -Bill Shuster, former representative, Pennsylvania’s 9th Congressional district
E D U C A T I O N & T R A I N I N G
Medical Oncology Management of non-Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: Best practices in the Veterans Health Administration
This web-based, recorded program discusses the pathogenesis of prostate cancer, differences in mechanisms of action between the first- and second-generation anti-androgen drugs for prostate cancer and identifying patients with non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC) who are at elevated risk for metastasis, and management to reduce risk.
This program is intended for urologists, medical oncologists, nurses, pharmacists, and other multi-disciplinary care professionals involved or interested in the therapeutic management of patients with nmCRPC within the VA health system.
To obtain your completion credit:

Headache Evaluation and Management for Primary Care Webinar Series: Case-Based Secondary Headaches
This recorded, knowledge-based activity starts with discussion of important secondary headache-related lifestyle factors and a review of general diagnostic criteria for secondary headache. This is followed by case-based reviews, where inter-professional health care teams will learn to recognize secondary headache and apply multiple, evidence-based modalities for evaluation and management. This program is designed for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, physician assistants, psychologists, counselors and occupational therapists.
Location: VHA TRAIN; Non-VA employees click here. VA employees click here.
Credit/hours: One (1)

Long COVID Lecture Webinar Series – December: Neurological and psychiatric risk trajectories in the two years after SARS-CoV-2 infection in different age groups and under different variants.
The Long COVID Lecture Series began in summer 2022 within the St. Louis VA Health Care System (VASTLHCS). Conceived and developed by Uly Labilles, Ph.D, research-health science specialist, Office of Research and Development; and Ziyad Al-Aly, MD, research and development service chief, the series highlights research on post-acute and long-term outcomes of COVID-19.
The December program, Neurological and psychiatric risk trajectories in the two years after SARS-CoV-2 infection in different age groups and under different variants, will feature Maxime Taquet, MD, a National Institute for Health and Care Research Oxford Health Biomedical Research Center senior research fellow and NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow, with backgrounds in clinical psychiatry and engineering. Information for the December program is below.
DATE: Wednesday, Dec 7, 2022, 1 p.m. ET
Webinar number: 2764 939 9782
Webinar password: JbgnvD39N$5 (52468339 from phones)
To join by phone: 14043971596 USA Toll Number, access code: 276 493 99782

Trainings available through Optum and TriWest
Numerous webinars and trainings are offered by Optum and TriWest. These trainings are available live and on demand, depending on what is most convenient for your schedule. Check them out!
 Questions? If you require assistance, please contact the VHA TRAIN Help Desk by email at vhatrain@va.gov.
How to obtain your credit completion certificate:
Once you complete a credited training, you can obtain your credential certificate(s) in four easy steps:
There are an estimated 20,000 Veterans with multiple sclerosis (MS) who receive care in the VA.
The podcast series, MS & Vets discusses important issues related to the health and quality of life for Veterans with multiple sclerosis. During every episode, subject matter experts weigh in on multiple sclerosis issues and talk about VA services. A new podcast episode is posted the second Monday of each month.
Improving sleep for people with MS was featured in the October episode. The speaker was Eilis Boudreau, MD, PhD. Many people with MS say they sleep poorly at night and are fatigued during the day. Dr. Boudreau reviews the most-common sleep problems experienced by people with MS and provides suggestions to help improve sleep.
Philips Mask Recall
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a recall of Philips Respironics Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP/Bi-PAP) masks with magnetic closures. Magnets in the recalled masks may affect certain metallic medical devices or objects in the body, presenting a potential risk. Reference the VA News article for more information and find mask-related information and communications on PAP Mask With Magnets (sharepoint.com).
IBS is Focus of Women's Health November 2022 Campaign
This month, VA Office of Women’s Health is encouraging women Veterans to seek treatment for their irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This campaign outlines the variety of treatments available to women Veterans at VA to relieve IBS symptoms. Communications materials are being distributed to inform Veterans about IBS, explain the relationship between the mind and body as it relates to IBS, and outline the wide range of IBS management options available at VA. To learn more about this campaign and others, visit www.womenshealth.va.gov.