Featured Research Program
The Advanced Platform Technology (APT) Center is a Department of Veterans Affairs Research Center in the Rehabilitation Research and Development Service. The Center addresses the pressing clinical needs of disabled Veterans by harnessing the most recent developments in untapped engineering and basic science disciplines and applying them to design and disseminate new rehabilitation interventions.
Mission: To advance innovative technologies along the translational pathway that address the health and independence of disabled Veterans.
Vision: To be a national leader and valued partner for the discovery and clinical implementation of medical, rehabilitative or restorative technologies for the well being of Veterans.
This past summer, the APT Center received a VA Diversity Equity Inclusion grant that expanded the Wen Ko undergraduate summer internship program. On July 29, 2022, the APT Center hosted its first ever Summer Internship Program Research Symposium. The event featured 21 summer interns presenting posters on their research projects.
Learn more about the APT Center by visiting their website, subscribing to the APT Center YouTube channel and following them on Linked In.
Research Forums
Research forums will be held monthly at the VA in Room K119. The Fall Schedule is listed below. If you are unavailable to attend in person, you will have the option to view the presentation via Teams.
Monday, November 14th, 2022 @1:30PM
Getting to know the Cleveland VA Research and Education Foundation (CVAREF) presented by, Jeffrey Moore, Ph.D., Executive Director and Marcie Denallo, Grants Manager
Microsoft Teams meeting; Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 241 754 938 653 Passcode: 4ixYT9
Or call in (audio only) +1 872-701-0185, 850334134#
Monday, December 12th, 2022 @1:30PM Whole Health and You: Self-Care presented by, Rosalie C. Diaz, Pys.D. Whole Health Program Director.
CERNER Inventory Survey
On October 17, a CERNER Inventory Survey was sent to each Human Study Principal Investigator and Study Coordinator via email. The survey is important for determining which CERNER/VA EHR applications your project needs in order to conduct research after CERNER'S go live date in 2023. You will receive weekly email reminders until the survey is completed. If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Candice Toney via email candice.toney@va.gov
News from the IRB office
Continuing Review (CR) Reports are due 60 days from the project expiration date or from the meeting date by which the study must be reviewed. When completing a CR be sure to use the most current templates. The templates can be found in IRBNet by navigating to the Other Tools- forms and templates tab and then the library drop-down menu VHA ORPP&E, Washington, DC- Documents for Human Researcher.
Upon review, the IRB staff processing the CR report may require other changes and updates. Frequent findings include outdated Financial Sponsor information and/or incomplete information for the Electronic Research Data Storage Location.
VAIRRS Updates and Tips
For each of your projects in IRBNet, automatic e-mail notifications are sent to alert you to actions regarding your project. These notifications, as well as messages created in the Send Project Mail tool, are also logged in the Messages & Alerts page for each project. All messages and alerts directed to you, across all of your projects, are aggregated in the My Reminders section.
If you have questions, reach out to VHACLEVAIRRS@va.gov.
Some recent VA ORD webinars on VAIRRS include:
IRBNet Basics for Investigators (va.gov)
Best Practices on How to Track and Locate Approved Documents in IRBNet (va.gov)
Upcoming VA Research Funding Deadlines
VA RR&D and HSR&D funding applications are submitted in June and December.
For December 2022, the last day to submit is December 8.
All submissions must be reviewed and approved by the R&DC Committee prior to submitting to VA ORD, dates are noted below.
R&DC Submission Deadline
Meeting Date
October 25, 2022
November 3, 2022
November 8, 2022
November 17, 2022 (This is the last meeting for NEW submissions)
November 22, 2022
December 1, 2022 (Only resubmissions will be reviewed)
RR&D grant submissions will have Pre-Applications (LOI) due by November 1st via a Grants.gov workspace.
HSR&D requires Intent to Submit (ITS) notification through HSR&D's ART website also due November 1st.
Please contact Christine Hendricks (Christine.hendricks@va.gov) for additional information and if you are planning to submit a grant application this upcoming Winter cycle.
Office of Research & Development
VA ORD offers webinars on a wide range of topics including but not limited to human subjects research, research safety, technology transfer and VAIRRS implementation.
Upcoming & Previous Webinars can be found at:
Stay Connected
VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System Cleveland Research Website Office of Research & Development