Dear VHA Team,
This month I’d like to highlight recent activities taking place in establishing the new VHA Office of Integrated Veteran Care (IVC).
In mid-February, Dr. Lieberman announced the high-level organizational chart for IVC. The new office will incorporate parts of the VHA Office of Community Care (OCC) and the Office of Veterans Access to Care (OVAC). The new organization will allow for better coordination and resource alignment, along with more streamlined and simplified access processes for the field, Veterans, and beneficiaries.
The IVC organization is expected to be formally established in April 2022. More
Julianne Flynn, MD Acting Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Community Care
People, Process and Technology 💻
What's happening in community care
Now Live! PPMS Release 15.0
Provider Profile Management System (PPMS), Release 15.0, deployed on February 17, 2022, allows users to identify specific providers within a community health care system. More
ECR Tool Training Sessions Now Available!
In preparation for the Emergency Care Reporting (ECR) tool replacing the Emergency Care Authorization Tool (ECAT), four ECR tool training sessions were held in February 2022. More
New DoD Urgent Care SEOC and Group 18 Release |
OCC recently released a new Department of Defense (DoD) Urgent Care Standardized Episode of Care (SEOC) to use for DoD Military Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) and 2022 Quarter One (Q1) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) coding updates to 117 SEOCs for use beginning February 15, 2022. More
Get Smart 💡
Education and training resources
Consult Toolbox (CTB) Curriculum consists of seven modules presenting the latest processes, features, dashboard, and an introduction to the new RCT role. (TMS ID 4622566)
VISN and VAMC Roles in IHS/THP RAP course provides VISN and VAMC staff with an overview of the IHS/THP Reimbursement Agreements Program (RAP) which supports health care for American Indian/Alaska Native Veterans. (TMS ID 4619464)
CRM: Improving the Customer Experience One Interaction at a Time teaches learners how to document and complete various customer relationship management (CRM) requests in real-time using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM application. (TMS VA 4619161)
VHA Teams Focus on Third-Party Payer Education for Community Providers |
VA is making the community provider precertification process more accessible and easier to understand.
What is precertification as it relates to the VHA third-party payer revenue process? Precertification is the process where a community provider is required to notify VHA when scheduling services for a Veteran from an approved VA referral that requires third-party payer precertification. More