Daily Dose

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In this issue: 

Director's Video Message

Mr welsh


COVID Updates Banner
covid numbers

Click graphic for more information

August COVID-19 Guidance

August COVID-19 guidance from your Infection Prevention and Control team. 

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Employee Development

September Thift Savings Plan Webinar


The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB) has announced the next series of webinars on TSP topics.  These webinars are not intended to replace any of the valuable live events or hosted webinars that already occur throughout the year by VA.  TSP hosted webinars are intended to reach those participant’s that aren’t being reached by VA or who were unable to access to VA’s hosted webinar events.  

Ways to view the schedule and register using the registration code (TSPweb):

  1. Register directly through the TSP website link included in the attached document www.tsp.gov/webinars
  2. Benefits Announcements SharePoint site
  3. Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer Benefits website:  https://vaww.va.gov/OHRM/Benefits/RFLEP/#Webinars

Please note that space is limited to 1000 participants. 

RQI Lab Moved to ERC


The RQI Lab is now in the Employee Resource Center located on the 1st floor in room 1222.

The previous RQI Lab location is permanently closed.

Click or full details about RQI training and location.

Release of Information Education


Calling all doctors, nurses, social workers, AOs, MSAs - ALL personnel who release medical records to the Veterans: JOIN HIMS on TEAMS

HIMS will be providing three Release of Information training opportunities for non-HIMS personnel the week of August 9, 2021.

The TEAMS sessions will last about 15 minutes, including answering any questions.

The ROI process reaches all clinical personnel, whether often or occasionally - ALL will benefit from this training.

Please attend to learn the proper way to disclose Veteran information.

Three convenient offerings provided:
Wed 8/11 11:30 a.m., and Fri 8/13 7:30 a.m.

Click for Teams meeting link

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HRO banner

HRO Measures and Dashboard

On our journey to become a high reliability organization (HRO), VHA is developing tools and processes to track progress and foster continuous process improvement. In keeping with HRO principles, VHA has developed an initial set of enterprise-wide measures to inform progress across the system. These measures are displayed on the HRO Dashboard which is typically released on a quarterly basis.

Click here for more information on measures and dashboard. 


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Awareness Campaigns Banner

Blood Drive

blood drive

Phoenix VA Health Care System will be holding a blood drive on 16 September from 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the ACC basement quads. 

Parking Disruption/Sidewalk Construction

There will be construction on the sidewalk outside building 34 from August 14 - 23. During this timeframe the exit leaving the building will be closed along with sidewalk and 8 spots shown in the map below. 

All vehicles must be cleared out of these parking spots no later than 6 p.m., Friday, August 13. 


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