VA is aware that many states require community providers to issue all prescriptions electronically, including controlled substances. Controlled substances include stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, anabolic steroids and others.
While prescriptions for other medications can be filled electronically, VA currently can’t fill electronic prescriptions for controlled substances at VA pharmacies, which presents a challenge for community providers. A solution to this challenge is expected to be in place by the end of 2021.
Some states offer an electronic prescription waiver to provide controlled substance prescriptions by paper (or fax where applicable). Providers should check with their state department of public health for more information on submitting controlled substance prescriptions by paper or fax to VA.
VA is working to develop an electronic controlled substance prescription solution to comply with state regulations and ensure Veterans receive a continuum of care.
What You Need to Know
- VA began accepting electronic prescriptions in 2017 for all medications except controlled substances.
- VA currently cannot receive electronic prescriptions for controlled substances and this may impact receipt of needed medications
- VA continues to accept paper prescriptions (or fax where applicable) for controlled substances.
- Some state regulations may result in an additional cost to the Veteran if filling controlled substance prescriptions at a non-VA pharmacy.
- VA is working on an electronic controlled substance prescription solution that complies with all state regulations.
What You Can Do
- Discuss with the VA clinic and Veteran VA’s current controlled substance electronic limitation and the need for paper (or fax where applicable) only prescriptions at VA facilities.
- Read the full text of your state’s laws. Many states have different regulations that allow exceptions and permit handwritten (paper and fax where applicable) prescriptions for controlled substances sent to VA.
- If allowed, request an electronic prescription waiver from your state department of public health to provide paper prescriptions to VA.
It’s now easier to notify VA within 72 hours when a Veteran receives emergency care at a community provider. VA’s Emergency Care Reporting (ECR) portal helps with coordination of an eligible Veteran’s care at a community emergency department and transfer to a VA medical center, if necessary.
As long as VA is notified within 72 hours of the start of care, eligible Veterans who require emergent treatment can usually receive care at a local community emergency department without obtaining prior approval from VA.
In this situation, Veterans, their representatives, or community emergency department providers should submit treatment information through the ECR portal as soon as possible or by calling 844-72HRVHA (844-724-7842).
Timely reporting through the portal helps ensure that administrative and clinical requirements for VA to pay for the care are met.
Providers must include a valid email address for decision correspondence when reporting emergency treatment for a Veteran or coordinating follow-on care and transfers from a community emergency department to a VA medical center.
Providers also need the notification identification number assigned upon submission of reporting through the ECR portal or by phone to retrieve authorization decision information on emergency events.
For more information, see Emergency Medical Care–Information for Providers.
Webinar: Garrison Exposures - Camp LeJeune, Fort McClellan & Perflourinated Substances (PFAS) (June 8, 2021 - Noon-1:00 pm ET)
As a community provider, how much do you know about garrison exposures like Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB), solvents, lead and Perflourinated Substances (PFAS)? This webinar will educate you on garrison exposures and provide information on how to best address related Veteran concerns.
Registration for the webinar will be available through VHA TRAIN. Don’t have an account? Create one.
Go to WRIISC Provider Training for more provider education and training opportunities.
Webinar: VHA Office of Community Care Overview (June 17, 2021, 1-3:00 pm ET)
This webinar provides an overview of community care programs and policies, focuses on how to file clean claims, covers topics such as urgent and emergent Veteran care, eligibility, referral, and other critical provider issues.
Register for the webinar through VHA TRAIN. Don’t have an account? Create one.
Webinar: Treating the Unique Health Care Needs of Veterans with LGBT and Related Identities (June 24, 2021, 1-2:00 pm ET)
This webinar will increase provider knowledge about sexual and gender minority stress, LGBT Veteran health disparities, how to ask patients about sexual orientation and gender identity, and the location of support resources.
Registration for the webinar will be available through VHA TRAIN. Don’t have an account? Create one.
Webinar: HSRM Training (Every Monday, 2-4:00 pm ET and Tuesday, 1-3:00 pm ET)
This webinar provides an overview of HealthShare Referral Manager (HSRM), VA’s online system for the referral and authorization management process for Veteran care and gives an in-depth walk through of the system.
Register for the webinar through VHA TRAIN. Don’t have a VHA TRAIN account? Create one.