VA National Mental Health Recovery & Wellness Webinar Series

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VA National Mental Health Recovery & Wellness Webinar Series

VA Connection Plans: An Introduction and Clinical Training on a Social Connection Intervention for Veterans

Samantha Hack, Ph.D., LMSW

Assistant Director, Education Core
1VISN 5 Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC)

Anjana Muralidharan, Ph.D. 

Psychologist Clinician Investigator1

Amanda Peeples, Ph.D.

Research Health Scientist/ Qualitative Unit1

May 11, 2021
12:00pm – 1:00pm ET


Program Description:

This live, virtual, knowledge-based webinar will provide information about the effects of social isolation on both physical and mental health, especially as it pertains to older adults and people with serious mental illness. Attendees will be introduced to VA Connection Plans, an evidence-informed, psychoeducational, brief intervention for addressing social isolation. In 1-2 remote sessions, interventionists work with the Veteran to create a Connection Plan with three parts: Mind (ways to change negative thoughts), Body (ways to change unpleasant body sensations), and Connections (ways to increase social engagement). A multi-site clinical demonstration project is currently underway to deliver the intervention to approximately 550 older Veterans with (age 50+) and without (age 65+) serious mental illness who are enrolled in the VA Maryland Health Care System and the Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System. The development of the VA Connection Plans manual and our efforts to disseminate it will also be discussed. This training applies to healthcare team members. You can download the VA Connection Plans manual at 

Program Information:

Location: Adobe Connect via registering in TMS

                 Audio through VANTS, dial 1(800) 767-1750, then 04927#

Continued Education Units:

CEU Continuing Education Units

Credits/hours: 1.0 credit hours


Registration: VA Connection Plans: An Introduction and Clinical Training on a Social Connection Intervention