Every year in June, we mark PTSD Awareness Month. It is a time to bring together people and programs across the country to spread awareness about PTSD—what it is and how to treat it—to help improve the lives of trauma survivors.
Join our new Virtual Walk - Registration opens in May
This year we will be hosting virtual walk: Step Up for PTSD Awareness. We invite you to walk, roll, cycle, run or any activity of your choice for 27 minutes during the month of June in honor of PTSD Awareness Day, June 27.
Support PTSD Awareness in 3 Easy Steps
For this year’s PTSD Awareness Month here are 3 easy steps you can take to help raise awareness about PTSD and effective treatments:
Start by taking our Pledge
Pledge to raise PTSD Awareness with us so that everyone who needs help gets the help they need. Join our expanding group of difference makers who are working to spread the word about PTSD and effective PTSD treatment.
Reach out to Friends, Family and others in your Community
Read our PTSD Awareness pages and find more ideas and materials you can use to reach out to others, including:
- Social media profile pictures, banners, graphics and posts
- A blog post you can use on your website or newsletter (at your work or school)
- A customizable PowerPoint presentation
- Plus: posters, banners, badges and flyers
You can make a difference in the lives of those who have experienced trauma. Everyone can help.