VA’s Beneficiary Travel Program Launches New Online Portal for Reimbursement Claims
Beginning November 2, 2020, Veterans, caregivers, and beneficiaries who are eligible for reimbursement of mileage and other travel expenses to and from approved health care appointments can now enter claims in the new Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System (BTSSS). BTSSS simplifies the current claim submission process for beneficiaries and ensures timely processing and payment of travel reimbursements.
- Submit claims online 24/7, 365 days a year
- Track the status of submitted claims
- Reduce processing time for submitted claims
- Use self-help tools to make claim submissions fast and easy
Visit AccessVA, select submit a travel claim, and logon using a DS Log on account.
A DS Logon is an ID issued by DoD that will allows Veterans and caregivers to access many VA and DoD sites with one user username and password. Need a DS Log on?
Questions and Answers
Who is eligible for Beneficiary Travel Reimbursement?
Veterans and caregivers may be eligible for travel pay. A list of eligibility requirements can be found on the VA Travel Pay Reimbursement webpage.
How do I submit a travel reimbursement claim?
VA is phasing in a new web-based portal to submit and process beneficiary travel claims beginning July 2020 and continuing through November 2020. The new portal, the Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System (BTSSS), is VA’s preferred method to receive travel reimbursement claims. Once implemented, BTSSS will phase out claims submitted through the facility kiosks. However, in-person claims and hard-copy submissions will still be available. BTSSS is available through the AccessVA website.
Are there advantages to using the Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System (BTSSS)?
The BTSSS automates the claims process to ensure timely processing and payment of travel reimbursement claims. With BTSSS, turnaround time to evaluate and settle a claim is less than 5 days. BTSSS allows Veterans and caregivers to submit claims 24/7, 365 days a year from a computer or mobile device. It also allows users to electronically track the status of a claim request.
How do I access BTSSS?
BTSSS is available through the AccessVA webpage. To submit a claim, Visit AccessVA, select submit a travel claim, and logon using a DS Log on Level 2 account. A DS Logon is an ID issued by DoD that will allows Veterans and caregivers to access many VA and DoD sites with one user username and password. Need a DS Log on?
Why is VA launching BTSSS?
The current claims submission processes are 100% manual. BTSSS will significantly reduce human intervention for each reimbursement claim request and improve tracking, reporting, and the auditing capability for all stages of the claims process.