Community providers must report your billing and rendering NPIs correctly on electronic data interchange (EDI) transactions that you submit, as well as on paper claims you send to VA. This is important because claims and transactions submitted without a billing NPI will be rejected.
 All HIPAA covered healthcare providers who render care to Veterans and bill VA must obtain an NPI. This applies whether providers are individuals (such as physicians, nurses, dentists, chiropractors, physical therapists, or pharmacists) or organizations (such as hospitals, home health agencies, clinics, nursing homes, residential treatment centers, laboratories, ambulance companies, group practices, managed care organizations, etc.).
 Make sure your billing staff is populating your billing and rendering NPIs correctly when they submit your claims for services provided to Veterans.
Many providers have used Virtru Pro encryption to exchange sensitive information with VA when providing care to Veterans. However, as of August 24, 2019, VA transitioned away from Virtru Pro and implemented Azure Rights Management Services (Azure RMS) as the sole enterprise-authorized email encryption software.
When receiving an email encrypted through Azure, depending on settings, you will be able to seamlessly read and respond to the email through your existing email provider or open the email in a web browser and read and respond securely.
If you, as a provider, want to reply to an older message that was encrypted with Virtru Pro, you will continue to have the ability to do so. On the VA side, the VA user will still get notice of the email response and can open the email in the Virtru Pro Secure Reader via a web browser.
Please see the following website for more information on what Azure means for external users: *https://support.office.com/en-us/article/how-do-i-open-a-protected-message-1157a286-8ecc-4b1e-ac43-2a608fbf3098?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US. Please note, this website is external to the VA network. VA is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of non-VA websites. You may find the following sections particularly helpful: “User experience for external users with a Gmail or Outlook.com Address,” “User experience for external users with an Azure Active Directory (Office 365 accounts),” and “User experience for external users without an Azure Active Directory.”
If you need assistance, please contact VHARMSTeam@va.gov.
This software update is part of VA’s Office of Information and Technology (OIT) modernization efforts to make communications more secure and reliable. We appreciate your partnership in serving Veterans and protecting their information.
*Note: This website is external to the VA network. VA is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of non-VA websites.
HealthShare Referral Manager (HSRM) is a secure, web-based system VA uses to generate and transfer referrals and authorizations to community providers. HSRM allows community providers and VA to better manage community care referrals and authorizations using a standardized process based on clinical and business rules.
For an in depth, interactive look at HSRM, please attend an upcoming training. VA hosts a full training for community providers every Tuesday from 1 – 3 PM EST, on HSRM’s benefits and functionality. We encourage you to attend to learn about how you can:
- Upload files of any size and type
- Record appointments, automatically notifying VA
- Generate tasks for VA staff to review documents
- View the Standardize Episode of Care (SEOC) details to know what is covered before initial care
Register for one of the weekly introductory trainings by logging into VHA TRAIN. Please note that a VHA TRAIN account is needed to register. Please follow the link to register.
September 19, 2019: VHA Office of Community Care Overview - This webinar provides an overview of community care programs and policies, focuses on how to file clean claims, and goes into other topics such as eligibility, referral, top rejection reasons and other provider issues. Register for the webinar.
September 26, 2019: The Whole Health System: An Update on VHA Health Care Transformation - VHA’s mission is to honor America’s Veterans by providing exceptional health care that improves their health and wellbeing. Whole Health is an approach to health care that empowers AND equips people to take charge of their health and well-being and live their life to the fullest. This presentation will provide an in-depth review the whole health system of care, including:
- Elements of the model in action throughout the country
- Implementation and evaluation strategies as well as testimonials from Veterans receiving this care
- Discussion around provision of complementary and integrative health within VA and in the community
Registration will be available soon at Provider Education & Training Resources.
Go to the VA's community care Provider Education & Training Resources web page for a full listing of upcoming webinars and links to recordings of past webinars.