DARPA and CDMRP Funding Awarded to Dr. Emily Graczyk

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Congratulations to Emily Graczyk, PhD who recently was awarded two DoD grants

Dr. Emily Graczyk

The first is from Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) Artificial Intelligence Exploration (AIE) program designed to push state of the art AI through short-term technology development projects. This 1.5 year, $1M project, titled Coupled Learning of Neural Features and Electrical Stimulation Controller for Maximizing Discriminable Information Content of the Peripheral Nerves, is a part of AIE's Intelligent Neural Interfaces program and started in May. The aim is to advance AI  to increase the information bandwidth of peripheral nerve stimulation.

Dr. Graczyk also received a Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program Clinical Research Award, Level 1 titled Evaluating the Impact of Prosthetic Device Features on the Experience of Prosthesis Use. This is a 2-year, $350,000 project investigating how functional features of upper limb prostheses impact outcome acceptance for persons with upper limb loss. Collaborators for this project, starting in September, are Dr. Dustin Tyler (Co-Investigator) and Dr. Linda Resnik (Site-PI; Providence VA Medical Center).