PTSD Research Quarterly (RQ) VOLUME 29/NO. 3, 2018

RQ Online

Editorial Director
Matthew Friedman, MD, PhD

Bibliographic Editor
Misty Carrillo, MLIS

Managing Editor
Heather Smith, BA Ed

National Center for PTSD
US Department of Veterans Affairs

PTSD Research Quarterly

VOLUME 29/NO. 3, 2018

The latest issue of the PTSD Research Quarterly (PDF) is now available:

The Dissociative Subtype of PTSD: An Update of the Literature

by Francesca L. Schiavone, Paul Frewen, PhD, Margaret McKinnon, PhD, and Ruth A. Lanius, MD, PhD

The presence of dissociative symptoms among traumatized individuals has been well known since Charcot’s case presentations at the Salpetriere Hospital in Paris in the late 19th Century. Recognition that dissociative symptoms also occur among a significant minority of PTSD patients led to approval of the Dissociative Subtype of PTSD in the DSM-5. This issue of the Research Quarterly provides an authoritative guide to the emerging literature on this new diagnosis.

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The PTSD Research Quarterly (RQ) is an electronic newsletter produced by the National Center for PTSD, Department of Veterans Affairs. Each RQ contains a review article written by guest experts on a specific topic related to PTSD. The article has a selective bibliography with abstracts and a supplementary list of annotated citations. Please send any feedback to

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PTSD Research Quarterly (RQ)
VOLUME 29/NO. 3, 2018