My HealtheVet Update | January 3, 2018


Come Prepared: Talk to Your Doc

Health care appointments are usually shorter than we might like, but there are ways to make the most of every visit. VA has a few steps to help you, your health care providers and other members of your health care team come away from each visit feeling more satisfied. Learn more.


Health Resolutions for the New Year 

The New Year is a time when most of us think about changes we want to make to live healthier lives. VA has twelve resolutions that can help you improve your health and promote wellness during 2018. Learn more.


Our Top Five of 2017

Last year My HealtheVet shared over 100 articles with you through the My HealtheVet Update newsletter and on the Home Page. That’s a lot of great health information and health care management reminders. Here’s a list of the top five articles My HealtheVet members chose to read last year to take with you into 2018. Learn more.

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Terms and Conditions

To continue to improve our services to you, we updated the My HealtheVet Terms and Conditions. Beginning in late January, current My HealtheVet users will need to review the new Terms and Conditions and accept them to use My HealtheVet. Learn more.

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