Veteran, Family, and Community Engagement
Sharing Resources and Improving the Experience of Veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors.
The Department of Veterans Affairs is the nation's largest health care system. Critics say the coronavirus will overwhelm it, but VA secretary Robert Wilkie says his department is ready.
On March 19th, Secretary Wilkie sat for an interview with National Public Radio's Ailsa Chang on All Things Considered.
Click the button below for a full transcript or to listen to the interview.
The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic has the potential to increase stress and anxiety, both because of the fear of catching the virus and because of uncertainty about how it will affect us. If you have PTSD, you may have stronger stress reactions than normal. Feelings of fear, anxiety, sadness and doubt are normal during a pandemic.
Fortunately, there are tools and resources that can help you manage your mental health and well-being.
Student Veterans will continue to receive their GI Bill benefits under S. 3503, which President Trump signed into law March 21.
The law enables VA to continue providing the same level of education benefits to students having to take courses online due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) has launched TAPS Talks, daily one-hour virtual gatherings to bring comfort, connection and provide a safe space for informal learning in these challenging times. TAPS Talks offer brief presentations by subject matter experts followed by a moderated Q&A session.
The TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing® also offers on demand professional CE programs.
CaringBridge is a global, nonprofit social network dedicated to helping family and friends communicate with and support loved ones during a health journey. Through the use of free, personal, protected websites, people easily share updates and receive strength and encouragement from their community.
CaringBridge provides control and a safe environment for people facing any health condition. Every ten minutes, a CaringBridge website is created for someone experiencing a health journey.
CaringBridge was the first social networking site for communicating during a health event. Since 1997, nearly 850,000 CaringBridge websites have been created. Combined, those sites have received 4.4 billion visits.
Please share this resource with your network! Let us know how we can help at Vet-FriendlyCommunities@va.gov
Not sure where to start with VA?
The VA Welcome Kit guides you to the benefits and services you’ve earned. Step-by-step instructions on how to enroll in VA health care, apply for a disability rating, education benefits, memorials, and more.
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If you are in crisis and need immediate help, please call 1-800-273-8255 and (PRESS 1) or visit http://www.veteranscrisisline.net/.
Please remember the only secure way to ask personal questions is at https://iris.custhelp.com. Explore VA benefits at explore.va.gov