School Certifying Officials,
VA-ONCE will sunset on January 13, 2023, and will no longer be available.
To prepare for VA-ONCE sunsetting, we encourage you to submit all in-progress claims, prioritizing any new enrollments (e.g., original claims) you may be working on. This will allow for payments to be processed in a timely manner.
At the end of January, Enrollment Manager will be available. We are excited to provide you with an intuitive, user-friendly system to submit and certify student enrollments. Check out our video that highlights of what’s to come in the new system.
We will share additional information, including the Enrollment Manager Workshop demo recordings, FAQs as well as required next steps and training modules in the coming weeks.
Thank you for your continued dedication to learning about Enrollment Manager and supporting our GI Bill beneficiaries. By incorporating your feedback and hearing from you at usability testing sessions throughout the year, we are confident in this new system, built for SCOs like you, with SCOs.
Kind Regards,
Education Service