Veterans Benefits Newsletter
June 2022
 Transitioning Veterans Consultation
Transitioning Veterans is a free Military OneSource specialty consultation designed for service members returning to civilian life. You may be eligible for this personalized support if you are planning to separate or retire from service in the next 12 months or you are within 365 days of your last day of service. Through a series of sessions, a professionally trained consultant can help you identify goals and navigate benefits and resources. Call 800-342-9647 or start a live chat to schedule an appointment. OCONUS/International? Click here for calling options.
Fast and Affordable Internet Service
If you or a Veteran you know is struggling to afford internet service, the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) may put fast and reliable internet service within reach. ACP-eligible households can receive a discount of up to $30 per month for broadband service and access to affordable high-speed internet plans from 20 leading internet providers. Find out if you qualify and how to sign up.
Discount Eyewear Available
Get up to 35% off your next pair of glasses with Veterans Canteen Service (VCS) Rx Eyewear! Veterans enrolled in VA health care, their families, and caretakers have access to discounts on a wide variety of both prescription or regular glasses and sunglasses.
Support For Veterans in Need
For over 10 years, Veterans Matter has been working to help and house Veterans in need. With the help of Americans who care about our nation’s heroes, Veterans Matter has been able to help over 5,500 unhoused Veterans. By partnering with VA homeless program social workers, they can help unhoused Veterans and their children move into permanent, supported housing. Learn about their Veteran housing program and how you can help!
Watch the Latest VA Benefits News
Please join us for the latest episode of VA Benefits News! Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Benefits, Mike Frueh, speaks to the Veteran community about claims processing automation and how it will improve the way VBA delivers benefits.