Veterans Benefits Newsletter
December 2020
Benefit Rates Get a Boost
Starting Dec. 1, all compensation benefit rates will increase by 1.3%. VA is required by law to match the percentage of cost-of-living adjustments made to Social Security benefits. These adjustments help to make sure that the purchasing power of your benefits keeps up with inflation. If you receive VA compensation benefits, learn your new rates today!
Find the Policy for You
VA Life Insurance can offer financial security for Veterans, Service members, and their spouses and dependent children. Explore your options, manage your policy, and file claims to get the insurance benefits you've earned.
Trees for Our Troops
Since 2005, Trees for Troops has provided almost 244,000 free, farm-grown Christmas trees to troops and military families in the U.S. and overseas. This year, 14,500 trees will be delivered to 79 military bases between Nov. 30 and Dec. 11. Learn how you can get involved!
Facebook Groups for You
VBA has partnered with Facebook, to create the Military and Veteran Community and VetWorking groups! Join today to learn about available GI Bill resources and share your knowledge and experiences with military and Veteran communities.
Get Help Filing Your Claim
If you have a disability as the result of your military service, you may be entitled to VA disability benefits! The National Association of County Veterans Service Officers (NACVSO) is available to help Veterans and their eligible family members pursue VA benefits through their advocacy programs. County Veterans Service Officers are trained to help you develop your claim. They review and apply current law and relevant legislation and gather any evidence necessary. Once you are ready to file a claim, NACVSO is there for you every step of the way!
Upcoming Veteran Events
Outreach events provide Veterans and their families the opportunity to learn about buying homes, earning degrees, starting a career, staying healthy, and more. Find out about upcoming events near you!