May 2020
Veterans Benefits Newsletter
Join Our Live Tele-Townhalls
Throughout May, the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) will be hosting live tele-townhall events. Veterans and beneficiaries can call in to hear the latest information about VBA's COVID-19 response, Solid Start, Blue Water Navy, and more. Mark your calendar because the upcoming tele-townhall dates are now available!
TED Can Help Your Transition
Transitioning from military to civilian life can be overwhelming. That's why VA’s Office of Transition and Economic Development (TED) is here to help you navigate benefit services and get the support you need. Find out how TED can support you!
Stimulus Checks for Veterans
Our communities may be impacted by COVID-19, but VA has teamed up with the U.S. Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to ensure Veterans and their beneficiaries receive economic impact payments. Track the status of payments online.
Let's Be Friends on Facebook
Join VBA on Facebook and be one of the first to hear about benefit updates, VBA job openings, local events, and stories about fellow Veterans. Stay connected and up to date by following VBA today!
Explore a Career With VBA
Are you or someone you know looking for a new career path? VBA offers many professional opportunities to both Veterans and civilians with competitive salaries, retirement plans, and paid leave. Apply online today.
MOAA Ramps up in Response to COVID-19
Our national offices may be closed, but the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) isn’t. Our team members have been fully operational from their homes since March, continuing our commitment to “Never Stop Serving.” We’re maintaining our robust advocacy efforts by communicating with lawmakers in a virtual environment, and we’ve stepped up our online career and financial offerings. We’ve added webinars open to all members of the uniformed services community — including spouses — who are seeking employment, a better understanding of their benefits, or assistance navigating uncharted financial waters amid health concerns. Now, our COVID-19 Relief Fund has momentum to further help military families in a time of their greatest need. Join the hundreds already taking advantage of these resources and help watch out for your friends and family.