Dear School Certifying Official,
The Section 107 Recertification process has officially begun. As you may be aware, Section 107 of the Colmery Act mandates that GI Bill students are paid Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) based on the physical campus location where a student attends the majority of their classes. Throughout the rest of 2020, VA will work with schools to recertify enrollments in cases where a student was studying at a different campus than originally provided to VA between August 1, 2018 and November 30, 2019. This will allow VA to retroactively make whole MHA payments for students impacted by Section 107.
Please Note: Section 107 Recertification applies ONLY to schools with extension campuses and applies ONLY to Post-9/11 GI Bill students.
VA has recently made a “Colmery Section 107” termination reason available in VA-ONCE for Chapter 33 enrollments to support the recertification process. This termination reason is available to all schools; however, schools should ONLY use this termination reason if they are completing a Section 107 Recertification.
VA has held trainings and shared targeted communications to schools that must complete Section 107 Recertification. If you are one of these schools and have questions about the recertification process, please reference the recertification scenario videos and the Recertification VA-ONCE Quick Reference Guide on the VA Education Service Webinars page. If the materials cannot be applied to answer your question, contact your ELR for additional guidance.
We will continue to keep you informed and we appreciate your continued support of GI Bill beneficiaries.
Education Service