In about a year, on December 31, 2024, we’ll transition to only 2 modern, secure account options for VA.gov and other VA online services: Login.gov or ID.me. You’ll then no longer be able to use your My HealtheVet or DS Logon username to sign in to VA online services anymore. We encourage you to create a free Login.gov or ID.me account now so you have plenty of time to get used to it before this change.
Login.gov and ID.me accounts meet modern security standards. These accounts protect your data at 2 levels—so only you can access and change your stored information.
When you sign in using your Login.gov or ID.me account, you’ll have access to the same VA information and services you access today with any other accounts you may use (like DS Logon or My HealtheVet).
Having trouble signing in?
We’re here to help. If you have trouble signing in, get answers to some commonly asked questions about signing in to VA.gov. Go to https://www.va.gov/resources/signing-in-to-vagov/.
If you still can’t sign in, call us at 800-698-2411 (TTY: 711) and select 0. We’re here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.