U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs CWV - News Update

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In Case You Missed It:  The Center for Women Veterans is sharing recent news stories that may be of interest to women Veterans, military women, and their supporters on a weekly basis.  Share your thoughts about them on social media @VAWomenVets.

Women Veterans NOT using your earned VA Benefits & Services, we would love to hear from you. Please take our survey, it takes 5 minutes and is anonymous. https://survey.voice.va.gov/?cwv-women-veterans Survey QR Code


01/23/2023 04:00 PM EST

Take a look at the calendar that hangs in your kitchen or office. I bet it is filled with doctor’s appointments, kids’ activities, family gatherings, work commitments, and other to-do’s. Are there any notes on the calendar that say, “me time,” or “fun,” or “time to smell the roses?” [From VA News]
01/20/2023 10:00 AM EST

The start of a new year often presents a chance to begin anew, but within Bay Pines VA, 2023 offers opportunities to build on a legacy of service to women Veterans. “This year is the 100th anniversary of women Veterans receiving health care through VA,” said Women Veteran Program Manager Donna Sherman [From VA News]