U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs CMV - News Update
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs sent this bulletin at 05/06/2020 09:02 AM EDTHaving trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.
In Case You Missed It: The Center for Minority Veterans is sharing recent news stories that may be of interest to minority Veterans, service members, and their supporters on a weekly basis.
May is National Meditation Month. There are many different types of meditation, including the loving kindness meditation. Much like saying prayers or sharing blessings, the loving kindness meditation sends positive thoughts and intentions to others. [From VAntage Point]
On Star Wars Day, today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran James Earl Jones, who served as an Army Ranger following the Korean War. Before voicing Darth Vader or starring in iconic films like “Field of Dreams,” James Earl Jones was in the Army. [From VAntage Point]
We honor your service, James!
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Air Force Veteran Amerophan Callahan, who served for 24 years and now works at the National Cemetery Administration. Amerophan “Ame” Callahan was 14 years old and living in Thailand when an Air Force Veteran adopted her. [From VAntage Point]
We honor your service, Ame!
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran Matias Chargualaf, who spent 21 years in service, including time as a drill sergeant and recruiter. Matias Chargualaf waited so long for an answer to his application to become an apprentice at a shipyard in Guam that he decided to take the military entrance examination “just to see what would happen.” [From VAntage Point]
We honor his service.
Moving the body can help prevent and treat dozens of diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. Some activities increase your stamina, while others improve your strength, mobility, balance, or flexibility. [From VAntage Point]
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Navy Veteran Gordon Ross Nakagawa, who was shot down during Operation Linebacker II and captured as a prisoner of war. Gordon Ross Nakagawa began his service in the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps program at the University of California, Berkeley. [From VAntage Point]
We honor his service.
Weddings, graduations, celebrations–these are the times when we want to “be in the moment,” to enjoy every second. But it’s more difficult to be present during times of challenge or boredom. Believe it or not, breathing practice can help. [From VAntage Point]
This guide provides individuals who provide or coordinate reentry services for women involved in the CJ system with resources for serving women who are reentering the community after a period of incarceration. It is a "checklist" of considerations when working with women who are justice involved. [From SAMHSA]
The National Park Service is pleased to announce more than $3.1 million in Japanese American Confinement Sites grants that will fund preservation, restoration and education projects throughout the country. The 22 projects funded will help tell the stories of the more than 120,000 Japanese Americans, two-thirds of whom were U.S. citizens, imprisoned by the U.S. government during World War II following the attack on Pearl Harbor by the nation of Japan in 1941. [From Sierra Sun Times]