U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs CWV - News Update
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs sent this bulletin at 04/28/2020 09:01 AM EDT
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In Case You Missed It: The Center for Women Veterans is sharing recent news stories that may be of interest to women Veterans, military women, and their supporters on a weekly basis. Share your thoughts about them on social media @VAWomenVets.
There are days when many of us may feel an increased sense of anxiety and stress. This can be a normal response when our routines are disrupted and information changes from day to day. This can also create a sense of fear. Many times, it is the anticipation of what may or may not happen that can contribute to this stress as well. [From VAntage Point]
Elevated symptoms of PTSD and moral injury can lead to pregnancy complications, according to a VA study of women Veterans. Both PTSD and moral injury were predictors of adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth and gestational diabetes. PTSD symptoms also predicted postpartum depression, anxiety, and a self-described difficult pregnancy. [From VAntage Point]
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Air Force Veteran Emma Breitbarth, who served in the 509th Bomb Wing and now helps Veterans with career advising. Emma J. Breitbarth served in the Air Force from 1985 to 1989. [From VAntage Point]
We honor your service, Emma!
The Internal Revenue Service today issued a special alert for Supplemental Security Income and Department of Veterans Affairs beneficiaries to act by May 5 if they didn’t file a tax return in 2018 or 2019 and have dependents so they can quickly receive the full amount of their Economic Impact Payment. Their $1,200 payments will be issued soon and, in order to add the $500 per eligible child amount to these payments, the IRS needs the dependent information before the payments are issued. [From Internal Revenue Service]
Think about a big purchase you made, maybe a new phone, a large-screen TV, or even a new car. Remember how excited you were when you brought it home? Depending on how long ago this purchase was made, there’s a good chance it’s now part of your surroundings and you don’t consider it special anymore. [From VAntage Point]
The Center for Women Veterans has five new members who were appointed in late March to VA’s Advisory Committee on Women Veterans. The panel advises the secretary on issues and programs impacting women Veterans and makes recommendations regarding policy and legislative changes. [From VAntage Point]
What comes to mind when you hear the word “yoga?” Do you imagine a group of young and athletic women folded up like pretzels? The chair yoga video below may change your mind: Yoga is for EVERY BODY, and can help you to be flexible, balanced and calm. [From VAntage Point]
VA and the Department of Defense (DoD) have taken action to minimize the number of non-essential required visits to identification (ID) card offices during the coronavirus public health emergency. If you have a VA or DoD ID card that has expired or is getting ready to expire, here are your options. [From VAntage Point]
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran Stacy Combs, who served as a nurse in Washington D.C. and Texas between 2003 and 2009. Stacy Combs obtained her bachelor’s degree in nursing from Texas Christian University in 2002. [From VAntage Point]
We honor your service, Stacy!
As part of its modernization initiative, Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E) is introducing the Electronic Virtual Assistant (e-VA) pilot. The Electronic Virtual Assistant (e-VA) allows Veterans to reach out to their VR&E counselors virtually. [From VAntage Point]
Veterans stuck inside can turn to reading a catalog of more than 61,000 classic, free e-books and audio books at Project Gutenberg. People can read books online or download them for reading offline, including popular e-readers. [From VAntage Point]