U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs CMV - News Update
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs sent this bulletin at 01/29/2020 09:01 AM ESTHaving trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.
In Case You Missed It: The Center for Minority Veterans is sharing recent news stories that may be of interest to minority Veterans, service members, and their supporters on a weekly basis.
Vanissa Barnes-Saucedo was 21 when military recruiters stopped her in a shopping mall, waving enlistment papers in front of her. Although she says she wasn’t entirely sure what she was getting herself into, she signed the papers anyway. [From Santa Fe New Mexican]
The Navajo Nation has lost one if its great matriarchs. World War II veteran Sophie Yazzie, 105, passed on Saturday afternoon of natural causes, her daughter Kathleen Yazzie-Lampert told the Navajo Times in a phone call. [From Navajo Times]
Sacrificing yourself for another is one of the most valiant things a person could do. It's how 21-year-old Marine Corps Pfc. Oscar Austin earned his Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War. [From U.S. Department of Defense]