#VetResources - for Veterans, their Families, Caregivers, and Survivors
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DoD answers top 10 questions on expanded commissary, exchange, MWR access
Many Veterans now have access to commissary, military service exchange and MWR as of January 1, 2020. The Department of Defense has established a standard for physical access to military installations. Click "Learn More" to read about the top 10 questions Veterans have asked about the expanded access.
Veterans find assistance, camaraderie at Vet Centers
Vet Centers are community-based counseling centers. They provide a wide range of social and psychological services, including professional readjustment counseling. Eligible Veterans, active duty service members, including National Guard and Reserve components and their families can use the services.
Veterans under 50 need flu shots, too
Just because you never get sick doesn’t mean you’re invincible from getting the flu. A serious misconception is that the flu shot is only for children and older adults. However, Veterans under 50 also need it. Veterans need to get the shot to protect not only themselves, but also their loved ones. If you’re under 50, don’t be one of the many Americans who fail to get a shot.
Veterans can discover new sport through adaptive skating
Learn to Skate USA offers an adaptive skating program for skaters with a range of physical or developmental disabilities. Taught by certified instructors, the program engages people for recreation, activity and enjoyment.
Share Your Funniest Salute Story
“I realized that what I thought were 3 little squares were actually 3 little stars. About poked my eye out trying to quickly get my hand up." - Maj., U.S. Army
Future Events
2/5/2020 Veterans Experience Action Center in Montgomery, Alabama
 Did you know the National Resource Directory has more than 14,000 vetted resources available to you right now?
VA News Releases
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Not sure where to start?
No Veteran Should Be Without a Place to Call Home
Free Help for Homeless Veterans Dial 1-877-4AID-VET (1-877-424-3838) for 24/7 access VA’s services for homeless and at-risk Veterans
Homeless Veteran Chat Confidential, 24/7 online support for homeless Veterans and friends
https://www.va.gov/homeless for more information
Are you a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one?
Did you know that VA offers same day services in Primary Care and Mental Health at 172 VA Medical Centers across the country? Make the Connection Resource Locator
 Learn how RallyPoint can help you and other members of the Veteran community. Connect with Veterans about mild to moderate TBIs. Discuss with Veterans the symptoms of un-undiagnosed brain injuries. Learn ways to get free R&R style PTSD treatment.
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If you are in crisis and need immediate help, please call 1-800-273-8255 and (PRESS 1) or visit http://www.veteranscrisisline.net/.
Please remember the only secure way to ask personal questions is at https://iris.custhelp.com. Explore VA benefits at explore.va.gov