Upcoming Export Certificates Webinar
We will be hosting a webinar, TTB Export Certificates, on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, from 1-2 p.m. ET. This webinar will provide a basic guide to obtaining export certificates. Designed for exporters new to the process and those needing a refresher, this session will walk you through the paper and electronic export certificate processes, TTB’s requirements for processing, and common errors. Attendees will gain a clearer understanding of the export certificate process, helping to increase accuracy in submissions and reduce delays in obtaining export certificates.
Visit TTB.gov for more information about our export certificate program.
TTB Proposes Columbia Hills AVA
 We are accepting comments through February 3, 2025, on Notice No. 235, Proposed Establishment of the Columbia Hills Viticultural Area, which we published in the Federal Register on Thursday, December 5, 2024. The proposed 29,387-acre “Columbia Hills” American viticultural area (AVA) is located in Klickitat County, Washington, and is located entirely within the boundaries of the existing Columbia Valley AVA.
We are making this proposal in response to a petition filed on behalf of a local wine industry member. We designate viticultural areas to allow vintners to better describe the origin of their wines and to allow consumers to better identify wines they may purchase.
You may submit comments electronically on this proposal and view copies of the proposed rule, selected supporting materials, and any comments we receive about this proposal at Regulations.gov within Docket No. TTB–2024–0007. A link to that docket is posted at our Wine – Notices of Proposed Rulemaking page under Notice No. 235.
Due to a technical issue, the AVA Map Explorer is currently unavailable. We are working to correct the issue as soon as possible.
Baga Approved as a Grape Variety Name
 We recently granted administrative approval for the use of the grape variety name Baga as a type designation on American wine labels.
Wine bottlers may use this name, as well as other names granted administrative approval, to label American wines pending the results of any subsequent rulemaking to revise the list of grape variety names approved for use in designating American wines at 27 CFR 4.91.
Proposed Information Collections: Time to Comment
 As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we are requesting comments on 20 existing information collections (forms, and recordkeeping and labeling requirements). We will include any submitted comments in our request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for possible reapproval of the described information collections. As such, all comments are part of the public record. To comment electronically, use the comment form posted with this notice in Docket No. TTB–2024–0003 on the Regulations.gov website. To comment by postal mail, see the instructions in the notice.
See the notice for the complete list of the 20 information collections we are seeking comments on. Among those information collections are:
- OMB No. 1513–0007, Brewer's Report of Operations and Quarterly Brewer's Report of Operations (TTB F 5130.9 (instructions) and TTB F 5130.26 (instructions))
- OMB No. 1513–0013, Change in Bond (Change of Surety) (TTB F 5000.18)
- OMB No. 1513–0018, Application for Basic Permit under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act (TTB F 5100.24 and Permits Online)
- OMB No. 1513–0020, Application for and Certification/Exemption of Label/Bottle Approval (TTB F 5100.31 and COLAs Online
- OMB No. 1513–0027, Removals of Tobacco Products and Cigarette Papers and Tubes without Payment of Tax (TTB F 5200.14)
- OMB No. 1513–0052, Alcohol Fuel Plant (AFP) Reports and Miscellaneous Letterhead Applications, and Notices, Marks, and Records (TTB F 5110.75)
- OMB No. 1513–0107, Monthly Report--Importer of Tobacco Products or Processed Tobacco (TTB F 5220.6)
Comments on any of the 20 information collections described in this notice are due to TTB by January 28, 2025.
TTB Accepts Offer in Compromise
 We have accepted an offer in compromise from Southern Cross Tobacco Company, Inc. for allegedly failing to adhere to the statutory and regulatory procedures for withdrawal of tobacco products from the market for destruction.
You may view all TTB administrative actions on TTB.gov.
TTB Career Opportunities: Statistician and Chemist
 Are you interested in a career at an agency that ranks in the top 10% of Best Places to Work in the Federal Government? If yes, consider applying for these TTB jobs.